So, lets spill the beans on what's going on in my world and things I've been thinking about etc.
1. For some who are aware, I've started a new community
rt_snapshots which I am the artist for and moderator. The idea being to get readers and writers of R/T and any other Lupin loving to combine and collaborate to create artwork for stories. It is going to be a mammoth task for me but I know it is one that everyone can get a kick out of so...I sit and hope it's all going to work out. I have 5/10 slots for the first round up so far, so quickly people - go pounce and check out my examples.
2. Half term has finally arrived here in the UK and I couldn't be happier. I do feel the last six weeks have been very very tiring and has come so quickly. My job is great (ps: I'm a teaching assistant in a PRU. PPS: A PRU is a place where permanently excluded students go, so if a school cant handle them we do. It's proper hardcore) but I've been given a lot of half and half responsibility. I get introduced as an IT Technician - which I'm not - then given classes to teach on my own - which everyone else (even unqualified) gets paid more for - and yet I still have to run around getting ipads/laptops/projectors/brains for the staff. It's not fair :( If you want me to be one or the other let me know and I'll happily be either. I can't cope with both...:(
3. My lovely Jamie is taking me to London for my birthday next weekend (My birthday is the 24th and I've taken that day off from work which is also exciting) and we're going to just walk around and be merry. I'm looking forward to it. He's got long term work on his storyboard project but next week he's going to be off so it will be just the two of us - I'm really excited. He's going to be helping with the rt_snapshots stuff because he's a story boarder so he'll be able to help me get the best panels for the fanart work and perspective and so on which I really struggle with. So yeah...
4. I've got some feedback for my first draft of my novel - I just need to start doing rewrites etc. I've never done a writing class or anything like that, most of it is with my gut and so I'll have to take that attitude again when I go through it with my second draft. I've given it to a lot of people to crit and I'm pretty terrified as only one person has got through it so far. *bites fingers*
5. I don't know how possible this is but I want to be more interactive with my f-list. I don't know if you guys use anything other than LJ but yeah, I know a lot of people struggle to be social outside of our computers and I totally get it, but is there something we can do about changing that by setting up like once a week chatbox stuff with our Lupin family lovers? I missed out on a lot of time during my hiatus during my dark days of Bristol and I want to clear it and really make LJ my permanent home and keep it going...Is there anyone here from the UK or anywhere so we could do like a meet up or skye or whatever? I think it would be nice!
6. I watched Tangled today in film club and I kept looking at Mother Gothel going - Bellatrix Lestrange?
Yeah, my mind went there.
And that's Sophie's weekly round up of live in Aylesbury.
Ohhh and Valentines Day everyone! <3