Title: Not Quite The Slow Lane (Chapter 1: Dogged )
Summary: Remus Lupin has everything he though he wanted, his beautiful wife and son are safe and the second war is over, but as life at war ends and life in the slow lane begins, things for the werewolf go from tense to terrible.
Pairings: Remus/Tonks
Word Count: 2296
Deathly Hallows AU, Angst /
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Comments 4
I look forward to seeing where you go with this, and what happens to Amelia. And to Remus, because I suspect the punishment for a werewolf who attacks and kills at the full moon is likely to be death, unless he spends the rest of his life on the run.
Despite my love for AU, I couldn't just hold to the fact that everything would be okay after the war was over, and I wondered what the worst possible thing to happen to Remus apart from lose more loved ones, and it grew into this, so I'm just going to have to roll with it.
I look forward to seeing where you go with this, and what happens to Amelia. And to Remus, because I suspect the punishment for a werewolf who attacks and kills at the full moon is likely to be death, unless he spends the rest of his life on the run.
Hmm, I could tell you how I think this will end, but that would be telling :D I have a couple of ideas on how this will play out, deciding the right way of doing it is the hard part, and in character. I'm really glad you liked it!
I can't imagine anything happening to Remus that could be worse than this, and I wonder what will happen next. I see you've posted more chapters, I'll be sure to check them out!
I'm glad your enjoying it, I hope there will be more soon
Thanks again!
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