semester wrap up

May 08, 2011 10:24

The semester is almost over, so I'm trying desperately to hang on to my brain and force it to get it's last bit of work done. It's hard to be motivated to work on a giant presentation and research paper for my theater class though, since I really don't like the prof and have tried several times to figure out exactly what she expects from this project with little success. I'll honestly be happy to get out of the class with a C with the way it went down, I'd be ecstatic for a B. I'll hate taking the hit to my GPA but as long as I don't fail and end up having to take something else to graduate I'll call it a win. My other classes I'm more hopeful about. Medieval Art I expect a B but hope for an A. And unless I completely fail the written final for Computers in Art I'll have an A. Same idea for Archaeology. I'll only have a few days off and then my maymester class will start. Thankfully it's just one class, and it's online. In June I'll be volunteering at A-Kon and then we've got something else in the works but I won't say more about that until it's more solidified (it's not going to Utah though so don't want any false hopes there). And then July and August and will be more summer classes. I'll also be spending summer brushing up on my Japanese so that I don't sound like a complete idiot come fall.

Other than school I've just been keeping busy at the symphony. Kinda wish I didn't have work today so I could attempt to focus on a paper but alas, it'll be off to the mall with me after I take a shower. Also, Josh and I got new hair cuts yesterday, so I'll probably be posting a picture on facebook once I find my camera usb cord.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom and mom-figures out there!
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