Mar 29, 2011 18:42
OMG. I'm going to graduate this fall. Unless something unexpected happens. It looks like there is no longer a capstone requirement so I'm registered for my summer and fall classes, just gotta double check with my advisor that they'll all be accepted for the requirements and then I can apply for graduation later this summer. This has been a damn long time coming. But I'm pretty excited about my classes too. Summer will be Islamic Art, Popular Music in American Culture, and General Linguistics. I've got one other class on their now because the system won't let me drop it so I'll have to talk to my advisor about that too. And then Fall will be Anthropology Peoples of the Pacific, Topics in Asian Art, Advanced Japanese I, and Advanced Topics in Japanese Language. Hardcore man. It was surprisingly easy to register too. Everything I wanted was open, and none of the times conflicted. IT'S SERIOUSLY A MIRACLE. But now back to surviving this semester!