Brief meme break while I wait for pizza to heat up before I get started on some homework. Stolen from
Put your media player of choice on shuffle.
The first song is the overall theme for the Apocalypse.
The second song is the one that plays during your first zombie kill.
The third song plays while you're getting chased by a Horde.
The fourth song plays while you're being forced to kill your loved one.
The fifth song plays when you find your new love interest.
The sixth song plays when you make your final stand.
The seventh song plays when you (think you) make it through it all.
The eighth song plays when you discover a bite mark on you.
Overall theme:Star Trek Voyager Main Theme. Nice epic intrumental theme for my apocalypse!
First kill: 7 Years & 50 Days. (Now I run to you/Like I always do/When I close my eyes/I think of you/Such a lonely girl/Such a lonely world) Guess I get to run right up to the zombie in this apocalyptic world where I am alone.
Chase scene: Cruella De Vil. Well it does start out with the sound of a car driving off. (The curl of her lips\The ice in her stare\All innocent children\Had better beware\She's like a spider waiting\For the kill) Guess the big boss in my end of times is a real bitch.
Killing my lover: Blaze (Take 2). Epic choral music from Escaflowne.
New love: The Sharpest Lives. (Give me a shot to remember\And you can take all the pain away from me\Your kiss and I will surrender\The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead). Get a new love quick don't we? Guess they saved me in the heat of battle.
Final stand: Pure Blue - Chance Pop Session. What?! A perky Japanese romantic song for my final stand? And all the others were working so well too. *sigh* (I love this kind of being alone\I want you to hold me tight\I can't see how much farther it is) Maybe I can pretend there is a cool metal cover of it?
Bitten: Come Together ~Across the Universe version~ (Come together right now, over me\Right!\He roller coaster, he got\Early warnin', he got\Muddy water) I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS SONG MEANS. Guess my mind starts to go after I realize I'm bitten.