Jan 21, 2009 01:54
So after doing that meme on icons I went and uploaded a whole bunch of new ones, that I may or may not get around to ever using.
Also got my hair done last week (pictures to come when it's not 2am and I need to be sleeping since I have both work and school tomorrow *cough* >.>').
Yesterday I picked up a new bookshelf and rearranged my room (pictures to come on that as well). Somehow even with another bookshelf I still don't have enough room for everything on them though :/. I'm so damn spoiled/pack-ratty/materialistic (take your pick).
Finished Kenshin: Reflections about an hour ago. It was beyond lovely. So I made some icons (ie the current icon). I'll post some of the others up later. I think I wanna try two or three animated ones still.
I also finished season four of Teen Titans and watched Incredibles today. My DVDs from Amazon haven't made it yet, I hope they come tomorrow er today.
Went to my first class of the new semester. Not sure if I'll enjoy it. The prof has a...socially challenged personality and haircut. We shall see what tomorrow brings though. It's gunna take a lot of money for those damn textbooks though, I can tell ya that. *grumble*
Until then:
To sleep, perchance to dream.