Character Meme
1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most one at the least.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag three people.
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!!
1. Yoko
2. Vermillion
3. Amaya
A. How old are you?
[Yoko] Startin' right off with askin' a girl her age huh? As far as looks go, I'm 16, my parents found me around 400 years ago, but no one is really sure of my exact age.
[Vermillion] I'm between 5 and 13 for most of the story, that is if you can have an age when you aren't really "born" in the conventional way...
[Amaya] 17 years, 86 days, 22 hours, 14 minutes old
B. Height?
[Yoko] A modest 5' 5"
[Vermillion] 4' 8" right now, but I'm still growing!
[Amaya] 5' 7"
C. Do you have any bad habits?
[Yoko] Of course not! I'm perfect! Though all my friends say that sleeping around is bad, and I guess I have a habit of toying with others and spying on people, and uh..destroying planets..but that's not so bad right?
[Vermillion] I don't mean to! It's not my fault! *sob*
[Amaya] No. I've been engineered to be perfect.
D. You a virgin??
[Yoko] *laughs for twenty minutes straight*
[Vermillion] Uh huh. Sure am!
[Amaya] Mmm...for now.
E. Who's your mate/spouse?
[Yoko] I dated Hunter the longest, and he winds up taking care of Vermillion and Deallyn later. But Rohan is Vermillion's father.
[Vermillion] I kinda think I'm too young for that!
[Amaya] We'll we aren't married, but I love Drayce with all my being.
F. Have any kids?
[Yoko] Sure do! That little brat Vermillion! Seriously though, it's amazing to think I could be a mom! Later I take in my brother's son Deallyn.
[Vermillion] Deallyn used to call me mommy when he was little!
[Amaya] No. Not sure if I could anyway...
G. Favorite food?
[Yoko] Y'know, I've never thought about it...I like eatin' men up though ;)
[Vermillion] Candy! And really rare steak!
[Amaya] Oh, lots of things really. There's a wide variety out there and I'll try almost anything .
H. Favorite Ice cream flavor?
[Yoko] Cookies and Mint!
[Vermillion] Neopoliton Sherbert!
[Amaya] Rocky Road or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Strawberry is nice too.
I. Killed anyone?
[Yoko] Oh, just a few gajabizillion *shrug* I mean, no one really counts after you've wiped out 60% of the universe right?
[Vermillion] *shudders and sobs* I..didn't...mean to..*rocks in the corner*
[Amaya] That's classified. I mean, thousands of people go missing every year.
J. Hate anyone?
[Yoko] Maybe...but probably not
[Vermillion] That woman Niall and her boyfriend Nicholas. They deserved what they got!
[Amaya] My father. Sometimes my mother.
K. Any secrets?
[Yoko] Uh, if there are any I'm keeping them from myself!
[Vermillion] Deallyn knows everything..the only secret now is the one I'm trying to find the answer to
[Amaya] Well, my job sort of demands secrets. My existence sort of demands secrets. And there is that two week gap in my memory of when I was 7 years old...
L. Love anyone?
[Yoko] I make love to lots of people HA! Uh, I love Hunter, though it took me a long time to know that. I love my big brother, and Rohan, and my baby girl Vermillion. And Shar, Mel, and Matt are very important to me.
[Vermillion] I love my daddy Hunter, and my brother Deallyn, and..maybe my mom. I don't know yet. And I have a crush on someone at school *nervous laugh*
[Amaya] Drayce. I smile just thinking about him. My grandmother too. And, sometimes my dad. And Jonathan, and my kitten Demeter.
M. What is your job?
[Yoko] I don't have to work, I'm a princess. But while on Earth I do some acting, and get interested in music so I start a band.
[Vermillion] Again with the too young really. My mission is to find out about my mom though. Oh, and that other mission The Maiden sent me on but...
[Amaya] I'm a special agent for the US Military. That's all I can really say about that.
N. Are you a boy or a girl??
[Yoko] Girl! Do you need some proof eh eh?
[Vermillion] I'm a girl. Doesn't my cute petite figure show it? So what if I'm a big..flat. I'm still young!
[Amaya] Female
O. Family?
[Yoko] There's my big brother, and my parents who took me in though I don't remember much about them now, and later I have Vermillion and adopt Deallyn. And, I heard rumors that there was another girl who looked like me when I was found, but I don't know about that...
[Vermillion] After daddy Hunter..broke, it became just me and Deally. I'm trying to find out about my mom now.
[Amaya] I suppose they did donate dna, so there's my mother and her mother my Gramma, my father. And I had a twin sister but..she died when we were seven.
P. Best Friends?
[Yoko] Mel! and Shar! (even though she doesn't always like me) and Matt (even though he hates me sometimes haa haa) and oh Echo! and Hunter. And Kami and Rayelynn too!
[Vermillion] Deallyn. And the Hari's back at school.
[Amaya] Drayce, and Jonathan, and Carrie is nice to work with. And Demeter too of course.
Q. What was the most surprising moment in your life up until now?
[Yoko] Oh gee, uh there's so many. One of the most surprising things was finding out about my wings, and all my friends wings, and then to find out that boys have feelings! I mean really, who'd have ever guessed?
[Vermillion] Finding out who my mother was, and my mission from The Maiden
[Amaya] Finding out that I can love...and running into my sister ten years after her death.
R. Thoughts about your creator?
[Yoko] Creator? Ha! I wasn't created. I've always existed! Because I'm like..a Goddess and stuff!
[Vermillion] Creator? like you mean my mom? I'm trying to find that out now.
[Amaya] Bastard. I'm just some experiment to him. Not a daughter. And I'm the failed experiment for that matter.
S. Any nicknames or alias you go by?
[Yoko] Uh, I liked to refer to myself as Demon Hunter Yoko for a while hee hee. And then I get like "Goddess of Death" "Goddess of Destruction" and all that junk. My band's name is Butterfly Crux!
[Vermillion] Verry. And that creepy The Maiden keeps calling me "The Chosen One" *rolls eyes*, and uh, Niall used to call me names, but they weren't very nice...
[Amaya] Black Dove is my code name.