Celebs and their perks

Oct 12, 2007 05:35

It really pisses me off that celebs seem to be one rung above us on the Law Ladder.  Why is it that celebs can commit murder, drink and drive, be caught with controlled substances and the like, and get off relatively easy with not even so much as a slap on the wrist?
I guarantee you if any of us poor little peons committed any of those crimes, we'd be sent up the river without a boat, oars, or life vests.

So, the latest is Michelle Rodriguez.  She's in trouble for violating her probation for driving under the influence.   Does she have to go to jail immediately?  Of course not.  She's a two-bit celebrity--with just enough fame to warrant  those kid gloves.  She's getting to jet off to New Zealand to film some movie.  So basically it's a case of, 'now sweetie, you run along and do your little bit in that movie, and then come back to jail, k?'  I love the quote that's on her page---"Michelle is a survivor and is always growing from her experiences, and this will be no different. Nothing will bring her down, especially not something like this."  Well, she didn't learn from her last experience--chances are she won't learn from this.
You know what I say--that's farkin bullsh*t.  Heaven forbid the role she was cast in had to be recast.  Oh the horror!!  I honestly believe this is why all of our so-called celebrities are always in trouble.  They really have no consequences to their bad behaviour.

Politicians and celebrities should have to live by the same laws we have to.  End of story.
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