
Nov 10, 2008 09:45

So, since Nobama won the election, where are the new states coming from?  Is he redrawing state boundary lines, stealing land from Canada and/or Mexico, or pulling land out of his arse?
I wonder if his knowledge of world geography is any better?

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jenocclumency November 12 2008, 14:40:49 UTC
I understand that you're bitter. I was equally bitter when Bush won the last two elections (particularly the 2004 election). I'd like to say we're even, but Bush slammed our country into the ground for the past 8 years, destroyed our economy, and ruined our reputation with the rest of the world, placing the USA into such a tenuous position that we've never seen the like... so I don't think we're at all even, because he did way more damage in the White House than can be compensated for with one election. ("We" meaning liberals vs. conservatives, including me and you but not limited to the two of us).

But I do understand completely what it means to want an election to go your way so badly that it's all you think about, and when your candidate loses, the pain and disgust and frustration is something you feel on every single level of your being. It's especially frustrating to be thinking "How could all those people have voted that way; are they stupid??" I felt that in 2004 and I'm betting you feel that now, and because I love you, I'm sorry you have to feel that. I'm so proud and thankful that Obama won so that our country has a chance of being something other than the Redneck wasteland we've been turning in to, but I'm sorry that you have to feel the way you do.

However, a slip of the tongue on the campaign trail (he meant 47), which he realized later in that speech and apologized for, is kind of a minor thing to pick on him for. McCain's speech gaffes and Palin's speech gaffes would both make up an entire book, (especially Palin's since she lacks any sort of educational background) but with Obama, we've got...a slip of "fifty" instead of "forty?" Any small slip is going to be jumped on by the opposition, but as far as I'm concerned, this isn't nearly as big or significant as some of the slips McCain and Palin made. Of course, your mileage might vary.

I know my tongue slips all the time when I'm tired. Just this morning I had this big long conversation about Geoffrey Rush, and when I got to my office I realized that the whole time I'd been thinking about Bill Nighy instead of Geoffrey Rush, and I'd just slipped out the wrong name, which probably seriously confused the person I'd been speaking with. I'm a human. It happens. (I think both actors were in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, maybe, so that might be what I was thinking. But I was talking about the movie "Love, Actually," which most definitely had Bill Nighy, NOT Geoffrey Rush. But I digress...)

A slip of a number is relatively harmless compared to declaring that Spain isn't an ally as McCain did when he got confused and thought Spain was in Latin America. That turned into a foreign relations boo boo, which has far worse implications than a number mix-up.

And when my husband and son traveled to Slovakia (as part of their trip to Vienna last year), they had to deal with the Slovaks who hated America JUST BECAUSE of the Bush Gaffe in which he got Slovakia and Slovenia mixed up. We can't wait to go to Europe (Madrid) this Christmas now that Bush is soon-to-be out of office because Americans will actually be viewed more favorably when traveling. I'm surprised that this isn't something you've run up against when exploring England.

But again...please know that although we differ drastically in politics, I love and respect you and I absolutely am not trying to piss you off by responding to this.


solobeatlefan November 16 2008, 09:48:18 UTC
Sorry it took me so long to respond. Virgin Media has been bouncing emails.
Actually, I'm not bitter about the election. What happens happens. I'm just disappointed. Him winning the election is not going to cause me to radically change my life or anything.
I admit, I didn't pay much mind to the election, mostly because I was sick of hearing about it.
The thing is, if McCain or Palin had said this, it would have been front page news.
I've not had any problem with people here. However, that could be because most of them think I'm from Canada. I guess I don't sound very American to them.

And yeah, I know we differ in politics, and I'm not pissed that you responded. I love and respect you too. Everything's cool. *hugs*


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