How I'm celebrating my Independence Day

Jul 04, 2010 17:43

  • until almost noon. Unapologetically, btw.
  • a chocolate torte
  • Cole slaw
  • scones
  • macerated strawberries and blueberries
  • whipped cream
  • touched up the home made potato salad I'd made Friday
  • The rest of season 4 of Angel and a couple of episode 5
  • The pieces of my camisole. Now I have to decide if I'm going to knit the two pieces together, or bind off and sew them together. Then I have to take a look at the back and decide what it's going to do, to work in with the lace piece in the front. Then it's a crochet chain or maybe I'll knit a tube out of a few stitches and call it a work of art. And after all those bits are figured out, I get to go through my bead collection and bead the damned thing with semi-precious stones and silver wire. Just cause.
  • My bed with clean sheets. The rest of the house is gone to hell but wtf. I'm not a neat person, and I work to all available space. So sue me.
  • In a Pandora station for the Mills Brothers, a few Brussels cookies, a scone, some whipped cream right out of the can, toast with local honey, and all of the other stuff listed above.
About to wash my own body and slip into something a little more appropriate to a party in the 100 degree weather.  Dad is hosting a few folks on the roof for the 4th, and as you might have guessed, I catered.

what she needs, life

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