I never even got half way through XII. I just watched all the video's on youtube and was satisfied. Even after seeing the video's, I was even less pleased with Ashe after that. Everyone else was just meh anyway, practically none of them stand out.
I've seen a couple trailers, but I don't pay much attention to them. Generally they're just different CG video's put together to show how awesome the cut scenes are, but everyone expects the FF cut scenes to be graphically amazing. Each game has delivered for its time. I much prefer information, mostly gameplay I guess. I stay away from getting much info outside of that. FFXII had some leaks, so I stay away from anything that has to do with story. I prefer to be surprised instead of accidentally read something I'd rather not. Then the game can be ruined. I do play for the story after all.
There's a new recurring bad guy in Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus, but if you haven't played either of them then I shouldn't say. I always appreciated Sephiroth when he was sane much better. I didn't really like him much as a villain in the original to be honest. CC does a good job of showing why exactly people really thought Sephiroth was such a badass. He actually is one in CC instead of being kind of psycho with mother issues. Anyway, to me and some other fans, some believe the connection between the two will lead to a brand new FFVII game that takes place after Dirge of Cerberus. Which also took place after Advent Children. So I guess they would remake the original, which I think needs it more than any FF game, and then come out with a new game to apparently end it. But it's nothing more than an opinion. A ton of RPG's, including FF are being remade though, so it makes most sense they would remake FFVII. While I agree they've been milking it...I'd buy it. I'm tired of looking at their massive heads and error filled dialogue.
I rant all the time, its a bad habit that I can't shake XD. Anyway, I believe that...H game was announced. But zero information is out. All that there is, is a confirmation by SE that it exists. They might have only reserved the rights to the name, who knows. But that was like 6+ months ago, so maybe there's something new. Then again, they announced a new MMORPG but there's just as little information now as when they announced it. I'm not positive on any of that though. People talk about KH3 like it exists, I've looked on Gamespot a couple times and the title 'Kingdom Hearts 3' isn't even in their database. Wasn't a KH fan so I could care less haha.
... lmfao, I thought I responded to this. Ewps. Dx
If you haven't finished FFXII, you haven't missed anything. The storyline was still just as awful and half-assed by the end of it, so yeah. No amount of kickass gameplay can make up for that boring, bland storyline.
I watch the trailers because the few new clips thrown in are usually pretty nice. These two recent ones had a montage of lots of new scenes, if I remember correctly, so that made me all interested again~ It helped to whet my appetite, but I know it has to be hard for them to keep releasing new footage when they're just trying to get the games done. Haha.
... You know, I'm ashamed to admit I never finished Dirge of Cerberus. xD I got to Azul, couldn't beat him after about 3 tries, and just put it down and never picked it up again. I didn't get frustrated; I just kept putting it off until... three years later. I should just finish it already.
But anyway, I've already kind of spoilerized my Crisis Core experience. I waited for about two years before I gave in to the urge to at least get a sampling of its awesomeness. That always ends up being a mistake, but I think playing the game and getting the first-hand experience of that would still make the game realize its full awesomeness for me regardless. No idea when I'll be able to play it though; I kind of wish they'd port it to the PS2 or something. :\ They're going for so many different platforms that I just don't want to dish out the cash to own, lmao.
FFVII's massive heads are adorable in my opinion. xD Admittedly, I haven't had FFVII for many, many years now (five or six years now), so I can't get a fresh opinion on it, but I never minded it while I played the game over and over. A prettier FFVII would be nice in my opinion, but the big-headed, error-filled dialogue will always be the classic to me~
January 2009 and still no information on Haeresis. ene That's strange. It probably won't even begin production for a few years, I'm thinking. After XIII, Versus, and Agito are out of the way, I'm thinking they'll start production any of the other random titles in the Crystallis franchise. I get the feeling it'll be as long a project as FFVII--probably even going on when FFXIV and FFXV come out, haha.
Rofl, I don't even remember what I wrote and I never like to read back on what I wrote. XD I'm glad you replied though, I like what you write, but then I lost you haha.
I ended up watching all the videos for FFXII on youtube, much quicker than actually playing the game. I have started to get the feeling FF could be in its ending stages, especially if they're doing several things on 'one' FF, like with VII or XIII. But, despite how recent FFX was, I consider it as much a classic as VII or VIII. SE has just had a couple misses with FFXI and FFXII in my opinion. I'm pretty confident in FFXIII and Versus though, I think those will be good. Some say FFXIII looks like the 'average FF'. Although I think that's a stupid term to put on it, I think it would be good for them to return to basics instead of going out on a limb like they did for XII.
Dissidia looks a lot better than I thought it would too. Definitely getting that on my PSP. I'd be looking forward to unlocking baddies like Sephiroth, Kuja or Exdeath. I don't know Exdeath though, I just started playing FFV recently, he looks awesome though. XD
I'm looking forward to Agito at least, it looks interesting. Kind of like a pseudo FFVIII school-mercenary thing, except not quite XD. I'm glad I have a PSP, I dont exactly feel the same for my PS3 though...
Anyway, I try and find other RPG's out and about, FF takes too long XD. To be honest, I bought my PS3 for RPG's since the PS2 was the RPG God. But...the 360 has more RPG's I'm interested in, they have more coming out too. It's...shocking. I'm almost insulted with myself that I'm considering on selling my PS3 for money to replace it with a 360. Despite that, wherever the RPG's are...its where I am. *sobs over wasteful PS3*
Aw, you lost me. ): Well, now I'm found so all is good. eue
I don't think FF will end any time soon. They might branch it off and start doing too many side projects to keep UP with the main series, but I don't think they'll officially end it. If anything, they might go on a really long list of side projects and the main FFs get unnofficially put on hiatus, but I can see them coming back to it ten years later to lots of wtf moments from fans.
I honestly don't pay a lick of attention to PSP games at all, lmfao, so I can't say I know of any recent Dissidia news. I looked it up some time last month to catch the latest news, but that was it. I'm sure it'll be a good game, but no reason to torture myself with it when I can't even play it. ;D
PS3s have some changes to go through before they can match up to other systems, but I think it is an all-around better system than anything else out right now. The 360 is a highly inferior system as far as power goes and I oftentimes feel like it's Windows Vista or something. "lol ewps, we fucked up. Here's an update. Ewps, the 360 still lags a lot behind and can't process the newer games. MOAR UPDATES." Just wtf. Don't make such a half-assed system to begin with, Microsoft. Go die in a fire, Bill Gates.
HAVING SAID THAT... I own both a PS3 and 360 now. The 360 has a much wider selection of games. The PS3 just needs to harness all that raw power so game developers will be more willing to take on projects on the system. I don't even want to imagine the insane schedules and overtime the Square Enix staff is going through right now. Any team that's worked on a game for the PS3 is worth feeling sorry for. :(
Haha, I did hear that at first a lot of 360's had to be sent back since they like...stopped working. I laughed and then petted my PS3 that had like...two games at the time. Now I have about five. XD
I just hope some RPG's will show up out of the woodwork or something, since I'm pretty disappointed so far. Not that the PS3 sucks. Assassin's Creed and COD4 kicks ass. I don't even like FPS' but COD4 is fun. It should be clear I'm not an Xbox/Microsoft fan. I'd just buy it for the RPG's. 360 does have an exclusive Tales and Star Ocean game after all. I just never imagined they would be the system with the most RPG's. That would have been a bad joke a few years ago. Halo can still suck it XD.
Talking about raw power, Versus does look uber sexy. Even if it all is just FMV's I don't care. But since its all we've seen, I do wonder just how far along they are. I wouldn't be surprised if future FF's/KH are put on hold just to wait for people like Uematsu and...um...that guy that designs the characters. You should know, the thing about med classes, everything else that's simple and basic goes out the window with those hundreds of medical terms. >_
Uematsu? xD He's not even involved with Square anymore; he retired after FFX, and as far as I know, he provided the instrumentation and arrangement for the FFXII theme song "Kiss Me Good-Bye" as something indepedent from Square. They most likely asked him to compose it, but he certainly doesn't do their sound tracks anymore. I don't really keep up with him despite his uber awesomness, but the last project I saw him in was for the soundtrack of Lost Odyssey by Sakaguchi's Mistwalker company. Other than that, I think he's mostly doing his own thing now, probably focusing more on his band than anything else.
And Nomura is the guy I'm guessing you mean when you mention KH's character designer. eue Nomura is the sex and he can have my Blasian babies. But why would future FFs be put on hold because of him? xD Because he's slow? I think Versus appears to be coming along just fine, actually. Just because he's not releasing gameplay footage doesn't have to mean there isn't any. I'd like to imagine he's just withholding information so we won't see the entire game before it even comes out (*COUGHKINGDOMHEARTS2COUGH*).
Ah, Assassin's Creed. I remember you. You were a good game and I miss you. :( And to be honest, I'm not a big fan of Call of Duty 4, lmao. I play it but I really prefer Rainbow Six: Vegas, though I have no idea why. And like you, I'm not a big FPS fan, but those two games are fucking addictive. E_E
"Halo" is not in my vocabulary. I've never met anyone who can explain why that game is worth two shits.
"Halo is the awesome sauce, homes." "Why?" "...."
Granted, I've never played it or even given it a second glance in a game store, but I refuse to put down money on something people cannot explain. That just tells me that, even if the game were good, only dumbasses play it. And I'm not interested in getting online to play with dumbasses.
I'm just not interested in online. If I do get a 360 it will be the all bones arcade one.
I know Uematsu went off on his own but I heard he still does SE/FF stuff. I don't know what in particular, I suppose he just wants to do extra stuff instead of being tied down to FF, which I would understand.
Nomura that's it...I don't -quite- agree with you on him. I think the majority of his character designs are all the same. Lots of zippers/buttons/belts/emo haircuts. Sure, it gets more difficult with making characters and stories since they've been doing it for so long, but I don't really like him. Or at least, I think his reputation is more impressive than his actual work. I'd be fine with someone else replacing him. But it could go both ways. They could get someone new, then FF characters look like Tales or Dragon Warrior, or they keep him and FF character designs will remain an eternal pun among FF fans. Knowing SE, he won't go anywhere until he decides to go somewhere else.
Not a KH fan either, I just mentioned it...because. I played about 2/3's of KH1 and was not impressed. Didn't see what all the hype was about, maybe I'm not so into Disney characters...I dunno. No KH for me though, thank you.
Halo/Microsoft is kind of like Wal-Mart. I have no actual, legitimate reason to hate Wal-Mart, I just do. It might be a mix of bad pay, a fossil man greeting me, and that stupid smiley with its price cuts. I'll just go with, 'just because' for now. I'm a hypocrite I know, but I'm in a 'I don't care' kind of mood XD.
Funny you should say that because I don't play online either. Haha. My brother does and I would play for him when he was gone (he always left to cook or something while he was still in a room with people online) or we'd just play multiplayer modes in Rainbow Six. I don't even have an online account for 360 or the PS3. n_n I should probably get one, but... eh.
I love Nomura's art style. I definitely don't disagree with you on his character designs, but I do believe that designing for a company is a lot different from what you might find in his sketchbook, for instance. With SE especially, he's probably got a quite a few limitations and specifications on what's in and what's out. He may be somewhat of a top dog now, but before he became a lead producer (I think) of Versus, I'm sure he had his fair share of rejected designs until he fit a certain image. As a fellow artist though, I appreciate the sharpness of his linework and... well, just the way he draws. xD There are lots of people out there who can do that even better, but I first discovered him when I was seven after he did the designs for FFVII and I thought that him replacing Amano did wonders for the FF franchise. Just my opinion.
KH is an acquired taste. I honestly (100% honest) forget the Disney connection half the time. KH is how I discovered Utada Hikaru, so it has more sentimental value for me than anything. That and it is honestly one of Square's less shitty games, because I've found that Square knows how to put out some fucking awful games. D:
Aw, I love Wal-Mart. xDD I just went there earlier today actually to buy some stuff for a baby shower I'm attending tomorrow. lmfao. But yeah, Microsoft. I realize I sound like a total Playstation fangirl hating on Microsoft, but just... ugh. Uuuugh. Get it together, Gates, and then we can talk.
Hm...I see where you're coming from with Nomura's designs. I never really thought about SE giving him limitations, but that would make sense. Besides the constant puns, 'The Prince' in Versus looks really good. And I kind of laughed when that one blonde guy from FFXIII wears a beanie XD. I think his artwork got better after VII. Not to say that VII's designs were tacky, not at all. Just that from FFVIII on, the character designs looked a lot more crisp. The FFVIII portraits just look slightly...dirty? I dunno, when I compare VII's designs to VIII, I think the latter looks a lot better. Amano is quite an acquired taste, his artwork is quite different but I had to look twice when I saw his designs of Zidane. I thought he was a girl, the tail only half convinced me it was Zidane the first time XD.
KH really isn't all that bad, and I did hear that the second one was a lot better. But I heard all over from people that the first one would be like...the greatest game you've ever played. Yeah, no. XD Sora's clown shoes, that cracktastically tacky gummi ship and 'Leon'...*sigh* His name is SQUALL. Lmao. I got to Ariels place and was totally lost. I mean, I had no idea. I have never been so lost in any RPG, ever. I was already...somewhere ahead in there, so gamefaqs didn't help since I didn't even know where I was anyway and didn't know how to get out. XD
I'm not aware of any puns on Noctis's designs, but different strokes for different folks~ I guess I'm used to Nomura's designs, so the beanie guy didn't bother me too much... unless he was the one with blond hair who carried around a shotgun. I remember cringing at his smooth underarms, because I get so tired of seeing male animu characters without hair. But that's another rant for another day.
... I honestly hated FFVIII, so I don't really remember any major difference from VII to VIII as far as designs go. xD I'm sure the graphics impacted a lot of the design though. You have to take into account that FFVII's in-game graphics were rendered with an extremely low polygon count--especially compared to VIII. That means less details, so he couldn't really put too much into his designs. I dunno, I just don't think fans have a realistic viewpoint for the jobs these people do, and just like to complain instead. ;D With those kinds of graphics, things like color and distinctive hair are more important than the accessories and other fine details. Not to say that excuses any poor designs on Nomura's part, but illustrators and character designers have less free reign than a lot of people realize. With the graphic power of the PS3, I think they'll be able to finally work on the finer details a lot more, but it still needs to be easier to work with. The way the PS3 is now, most likely no one's willing to put in more coding than they really have to. It's at least not something anyone's jumping to do, anyway.
Rantrantrant. eue haha, my bad. I got carried away again~
I was used to Amano's work by the time IX came out, so his Zidane illustrations didn't shock me too much. I remember looking at his VII designs first and those actually weren't as wild as a lot of his other stuff. xD His Tifa was reeeaally tame, I remember, though that's probably because the chick didn't wear enough clothing to modify to begin with.
The second KH wasn't any better or worse imo. As many have already said, it was way, way, way too easy, but most people buying it already knew that and didn't care anyway (me). In that case, you just buy it for the storyline. KH isn't bad for what how it sets out to present itself, but I'm a bit over it at this point, lmao. Just because I remember Nomura kept going on and on about how it was "so much darker than KH1"~ blah blah blah, and how people would "cry for Axel's story". KH2 was not dark on any scale, and Axel barely had a story except that he was butthurt over Roxas not wanting to be his friend anymore. When I was sixteen, that wasn't so bad, but I don't think KHs are really much up my alley anymore these days. eue
I didn't get the Leon thing. People explained it as "he's searching for Rinoa and blah blah, blames himself for this, that, and the other, and so changed his name to Leon." That sounds nice and all, but where's the proof? I'm probably just a bad fan because I didn't care to look it up, but I never saw anything indicating that during the game, so it's as good as any other fan theory to me--which means it has no credibility and pretty much doesn't exist imo.
Ariel's place in the second one was funny. Just music and, h'omg, Haley Joel Osment singing was just epic lulz. xD It's worth the play-through just for that.
I've seen a couple trailers, but I don't pay much attention to them. Generally they're just different CG video's put together to show how awesome the cut scenes are, but everyone expects the FF cut scenes to be graphically amazing. Each game has delivered for its time. I much prefer information, mostly gameplay I guess. I stay away from getting much info outside of that. FFXII had some leaks, so I stay away from anything that has to do with story. I prefer to be surprised instead of accidentally read something I'd rather not. Then the game can be ruined. I do play for the story after all.
There's a new recurring bad guy in Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus, but if you haven't played either of them then I shouldn't say. I always appreciated Sephiroth when he was sane much better. I didn't really like him much as a villain in the original to be honest. CC does a good job of showing why exactly people really thought Sephiroth was such a badass. He actually is one in CC instead of being kind of psycho with mother issues. Anyway, to me and some other fans, some believe the connection between the two will lead to a brand new FFVII game that takes place after Dirge of Cerberus. Which also took place after Advent Children. So I guess they would remake the original, which I think needs it more than any FF game, and then come out with a new game to apparently end it. But it's nothing more than an opinion. A ton of RPG's, including FF are being remade though, so it makes most sense they would remake FFVII. While I agree they've been milking it...I'd buy it. I'm tired of looking at their massive heads and error filled dialogue.
I rant all the time, its a bad habit that I can't shake XD. Anyway, I believe that...H game was announced. But zero information is out. All that there is, is a confirmation by SE that it exists. They might have only reserved the rights to the name, who knows. But that was like 6+ months ago, so maybe there's something new. Then again, they announced a new MMORPG but there's just as little information now as when they announced it. I'm not positive on any of that though. People talk about KH3 like it exists, I've looked on Gamespot a couple times and the title 'Kingdom Hearts 3' isn't even in their database. Wasn't a KH fan so I could care less haha.
If you haven't finished FFXII, you haven't missed anything. The storyline was still just as awful and half-assed by the end of it, so yeah. No amount of kickass gameplay can make up for that boring, bland storyline.
I watch the trailers because the few new clips thrown in are usually pretty nice. These two recent ones had a montage of lots of new scenes, if I remember correctly, so that made me all interested again~ It helped to whet my appetite, but I know it has to be hard for them to keep releasing new footage when they're just trying to get the games done. Haha.
... You know, I'm ashamed to admit I never finished Dirge of Cerberus. xD I got to Azul, couldn't beat him after about 3 tries, and just put it down and never picked it up again. I didn't get frustrated; I just kept putting it off until... three years later. I should just finish it already.
But anyway, I've already kind of spoilerized my Crisis Core experience. I waited for about two years before I gave in to the urge to at least get a sampling of its awesomeness. That always ends up being a mistake, but I think playing the game and getting the first-hand experience of that would still make the game realize its full awesomeness for me regardless. No idea when I'll be able to play it though; I kind of wish they'd port it to the PS2 or something. :\ They're going for so many different platforms that I just don't want to dish out the cash to own, lmao.
FFVII's massive heads are adorable in my opinion. xD Admittedly, I haven't had FFVII for many, many years now (five or six years now), so I can't get a fresh opinion on it, but I never minded it while I played the game over and over. A prettier FFVII would be nice in my opinion, but the big-headed, error-filled dialogue will always be the classic to me~
January 2009 and still no information on Haeresis. ene That's strange. It probably won't even begin production for a few years, I'm thinking. After XIII, Versus, and Agito are out of the way, I'm thinking they'll start production any of the other random titles in the Crystallis franchise. I get the feeling it'll be as long a project as FFVII--probably even going on when FFXIV and FFXV come out, haha.
I ended up watching all the videos for FFXII on youtube, much quicker than actually playing the game. I have started to get the feeling FF could be in its ending stages, especially if they're doing several things on 'one' FF, like with VII or XIII. But, despite how recent FFX was, I consider it as much a classic as VII or VIII. SE has just had a couple misses with FFXI and FFXII in my opinion. I'm pretty confident in FFXIII and Versus though, I think those will be good. Some say FFXIII looks like the 'average FF'. Although I think that's a stupid term to put on it, I think it would be good for them to return to basics instead of going out on a limb like they did for XII.
Dissidia looks a lot better than I thought it would too. Definitely getting that on my PSP. I'd be looking forward to unlocking baddies like Sephiroth, Kuja or Exdeath. I don't know Exdeath though, I just started playing FFV recently, he looks awesome though. XD
I'm looking forward to Agito at least, it looks interesting. Kind of like a pseudo FFVIII school-mercenary thing, except not quite XD. I'm glad I have a PSP, I dont exactly feel the same for my PS3 though...
Anyway, I try and find other RPG's out and about, FF takes too long XD. To be honest, I bought my PS3 for RPG's since the PS2 was the RPG God. But...the 360 has more RPG's I'm interested in, they have more coming out too. It's...shocking. I'm almost insulted with myself that I'm considering on selling my PS3 for money to replace it with a 360. Despite that, wherever the RPG's are...its where I am. *sobs over wasteful PS3*
I don't think FF will end any time soon. They might branch it off and start doing too many side projects to keep UP with the main series, but I don't think they'll officially end it. If anything, they might go on a really long list of side projects and the main FFs get unnofficially put on hiatus, but I can see them coming back to it ten years later to lots of wtf moments from fans.
I honestly don't pay a lick of attention to PSP games at all, lmfao, so I can't say I know of any recent Dissidia news. I looked it up some time last month to catch the latest news, but that was it. I'm sure it'll be a good game, but no reason to torture myself with it when I can't even play it. ;D
PS3s have some changes to go through before they can match up to other systems, but I think it is an all-around better system than anything else out right now. The 360 is a highly inferior system as far as power goes and I oftentimes feel like it's Windows Vista or something. "lol ewps, we fucked up. Here's an update. Ewps, the 360 still lags a lot behind and can't process the newer games. MOAR UPDATES." Just wtf. Don't make such a half-assed system to begin with, Microsoft. Go die in a fire, Bill Gates.
HAVING SAID THAT... I own both a PS3 and 360 now. The 360 has a much wider selection of games. The PS3 just needs to harness all that raw power so game developers will be more willing to take on projects on the system. I don't even want to imagine the insane schedules and overtime the Square Enix staff is going through right now. Any team that's worked on a game for the PS3 is worth feeling sorry for. :(
I just hope some RPG's will show up out of the woodwork or something, since I'm pretty disappointed so far. Not that the PS3 sucks. Assassin's Creed and COD4 kicks ass. I don't even like FPS' but COD4 is fun. It should be clear I'm not an Xbox/Microsoft fan. I'd just buy it for the RPG's. 360 does have an exclusive Tales and Star Ocean game after all. I just never imagined they would be the system with the most RPG's. That would have been a bad joke a few years ago. Halo can still suck it XD.
Talking about raw power, Versus does look uber sexy. Even if it all is just FMV's I don't care. But since its all we've seen, I do wonder just how far along they are. I wouldn't be surprised if future FF's/KH are put on hold just to wait for people like Uematsu and...um...that guy that designs the characters. You should know, the thing about med classes, everything else that's simple and basic goes out the window with those hundreds of medical terms. >_
And Nomura is the guy I'm guessing you mean when you mention KH's character designer. eue Nomura is the sex and he can have my Blasian babies. But why would future FFs be put on hold because of him? xD Because he's slow? I think Versus appears to be coming along just fine, actually. Just because he's not releasing gameplay footage doesn't have to mean there isn't any. I'd like to imagine he's just withholding information so we won't see the entire game before it even comes out (*COUGHKINGDOMHEARTS2COUGH*).
Ah, Assassin's Creed. I remember you. You were a good game and I miss you. :( And to be honest, I'm not a big fan of Call of Duty 4, lmao. I play it but I really prefer Rainbow Six: Vegas, though I have no idea why. And like you, I'm not a big FPS fan, but those two games are fucking addictive. E_E
"Halo" is not in my vocabulary. I've never met anyone who can explain why that game is worth two shits.
"Halo is the awesome sauce, homes."
Granted, I've never played it or even given it a second glance in a game store, but I refuse to put down money on something people cannot explain. That just tells me that, even if the game were good, only dumbasses play it. And I'm not interested in getting online to play with dumbasses.
I know Uematsu went off on his own but I heard he still does SE/FF stuff. I don't know what in particular, I suppose he just wants to do extra stuff instead of being tied down to FF, which I would understand.
Nomura that's it...I don't -quite- agree with you on him. I think the majority of his character designs are all the same. Lots of zippers/buttons/belts/emo haircuts. Sure, it gets more difficult with making characters and stories since they've been doing it for so long, but I don't really like him. Or at least, I think his reputation is more impressive than his actual work. I'd be fine with someone else replacing him. But it could go both ways. They could get someone new, then FF characters look like Tales or Dragon Warrior, or they keep him and FF character designs will remain an eternal pun among FF fans. Knowing SE, he won't go anywhere until he decides to go somewhere else.
Not a KH fan either, I just mentioned it...because. I played about 2/3's of KH1 and was not impressed. Didn't see what all the hype was about, maybe I'm not so into Disney characters...I dunno. No KH for me though, thank you.
Halo/Microsoft is kind of like Wal-Mart. I have no actual, legitimate reason to hate Wal-Mart, I just do. It might be a mix of bad pay, a fossil man greeting me, and that stupid smiley with its price cuts. I'll just go with, 'just because' for now. I'm a hypocrite I know, but I'm in a 'I don't care' kind of mood XD.
I love Nomura's art style. I definitely don't disagree with you on his character designs, but I do believe that designing for a company is a lot different from what you might find in his sketchbook, for instance. With SE especially, he's probably got a quite a few limitations and specifications on what's in and what's out. He may be somewhat of a top dog now, but before he became a lead producer (I think) of Versus, I'm sure he had his fair share of rejected designs until he fit a certain image. As a fellow artist though, I appreciate the sharpness of his linework and... well, just the way he draws. xD There are lots of people out there who can do that even better, but I first discovered him when I was seven after he did the designs for FFVII and I thought that him replacing Amano did wonders for the FF franchise. Just my opinion.
KH is an acquired taste. I honestly (100% honest) forget the Disney connection half the time. KH is how I discovered Utada Hikaru, so it has more sentimental value for me than anything. That and it is honestly one of Square's less shitty games, because I've found that Square knows how to put out some fucking awful games. D:
Aw, I love Wal-Mart. xDD I just went there earlier today actually to buy some stuff for a baby shower I'm attending tomorrow. lmfao. But yeah, Microsoft. I realize I sound like a total Playstation fangirl hating on Microsoft, but just... ugh. Uuuugh. Get it together, Gates, and then we can talk.
KH really isn't all that bad, and I did hear that the second one was a lot better. But I heard all over from people that the first one would be like...the greatest game you've ever played. Yeah, no. XD Sora's clown shoes, that cracktastically tacky gummi ship and 'Leon'...*sigh* His name is SQUALL. Lmao. I got to Ariels place and was totally lost. I mean, I had no idea. I have never been so lost in any RPG, ever. I was already...somewhere ahead in there, so gamefaqs didn't help since I didn't even know where I was anyway and didn't know how to get out. XD
... I honestly hated FFVIII, so I don't really remember any major difference from VII to VIII as far as designs go. xD I'm sure the graphics impacted a lot of the design though. You have to take into account that FFVII's in-game graphics were rendered with an extremely low polygon count--especially compared to VIII. That means less details, so he couldn't really put too much into his designs. I dunno, I just don't think fans have a realistic viewpoint for the jobs these people do, and just like to complain instead. ;D With those kinds of graphics, things like color and distinctive hair are more important than the accessories and other fine details. Not to say that excuses any poor designs on Nomura's part, but illustrators and character designers have less free reign than a lot of people realize. With the graphic power of the PS3, I think they'll be able to finally work on the finer details a lot more, but it still needs to be easier to work with. The way the PS3 is now, most likely no one's willing to put in more coding than they really have to. It's at least not something anyone's jumping to do, anyway.
Rantrantrant. eue haha, my bad. I got carried away again~
I was used to Amano's work by the time IX came out, so his Zidane illustrations didn't shock me too much. I remember looking at his VII designs first and those actually weren't as wild as a lot of his other stuff. xD His Tifa was reeeaally tame, I remember, though that's probably because the chick didn't wear enough clothing to modify to begin with.
The second KH wasn't any better or worse imo. As many have already said, it was way, way, way too easy, but most people buying it already knew that and didn't care anyway (me). In that case, you just buy it for the storyline. KH isn't bad for what how it sets out to present itself, but I'm a bit over it at this point, lmao. Just because I remember Nomura kept going on and on about how it was "so much darker than KH1"~ blah blah blah, and how people would "cry for Axel's story". KH2 was not dark on any scale, and Axel barely had a story except that he was butthurt over Roxas not wanting to be his friend anymore. When I was sixteen, that wasn't so bad, but I don't think KHs are really much up my alley anymore these days. eue
I didn't get the Leon thing. People explained it as "he's searching for Rinoa and blah blah, blames himself for this, that, and the other, and so changed his name to Leon." That sounds nice and all, but where's the proof? I'm probably just a bad fan because I didn't care to look it up, but I never saw anything indicating that during the game, so it's as good as any other fan theory to me--which means it has no credibility and pretty much doesn't exist imo.
Ariel's place in the second one was funny. Just music and, h'omg, Haley Joel Osment singing was just epic lulz. xD It's worth the play-through just for that.
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