I have no one new, BUT I didn't do one of these when I had a newbie last term, so I don't feel bad.
jaina solo (star wars expanded universe)
* Is a Jedi Knight. Sword of the Jedi, in fact. Think Chosen One.
* Graduated in May 2010 at the age of 22. Is now 27. Whee fun with timelines!
* Got through New Jedi Order and Dark Nest Trilogy canon intact. If sliiiightly messed up.
* Was a Killik Joiner (see also: joined a really big bug nest and became part of a collective hivemind). Is un-Joined, but retains a mental link with her bff Zekk. She still says "we" instead of "Zekk and I" and expects you to know what she means.
* Never banged Zekk.
* Or any bugs.
* Thanks to all this, she doesn't like spending large amounts of time alone, and is therefore terrifyingly social these days. I'd say sorry but I try not to lie.
* Is seriously worried she's going to have to kill her twin in a few years.
* Is tiny, in super good shape, and trains like woah. I think Star Wars thinks the tiny badass is funny.
* Is the granddaughter of
sith_happened, daughter of
likesscoundrels, cousin of
momslilassassin, niece of
tatooine_doofus and former timeline buddy of
weetuskenraider. She shares a timeline with none of them.
* Is going to be teaching this fall, in addition to her Saturday shift at Caritas.
* Needs opportunities to bitch out at people. She actually gets worse after the NJO. I wanna play with this.
kitty pryde (x-men evolution)
* Is a mutant! She's open to people knowing about it, too.
* She worries some about people's reaction to it, though.
* Can walk through solid objects, which is called phasing. I take every chance I have to do this because I find it awesome.
* Is 15 and a sophomore.
* Always has her hair in a ponytail unless I say she doesn't. She must get headaches after a while.
* Is from the same canon as
bamf_tastic but not the same timeline.
* Says "like" about every second word sometimes. Bear with me.
* Needs to get out more.
jane lane (daria)
* Has no powers whatsoever. Maybe the power of snark.
* Is 17 and a senior.
* I did not put up an info post for her before. Oops.
* Came to Fandom after the events of Is It Fall Yet? and is getting stuck in Fandom for a little while longer. Sorry, Jane!
* Is slightly sarcastic at times.
* Is an artist. The stuff she paints is usually stuff that would have even made me in high school tilt my head at her.
* Also needs to get out more.
aeryn sun (farscape)
* Graduated in 2007 (oh dear god) and is 21, living in Cambridge, MA.
* Is married to
whitedeathpod. Yes they did things young.
* Has a son, Talyn, who will be two on July 4.
* Is a former Peacekeeper and military pilot, left four years ago, and can't really go home because of it.
* Looks human.
* Isn't. Is Sebacean. It's close, but not exactly the same thing.
* Has a weird thing about RISK.
* Can also probably kick your ass, unless you're one of the eight dozen she trained while in Fandom.
* Works at a gym. Finally likes her job.
* Curses in Farscapese.
jaye tyler (wonderfalls)
* Graduated in 2007, and will be finishing off her time at Brown University a semester early, and then it's on to canon! Woo!
* Is 21.
* Hears and sees inanimate animals talk to her and tell her to do things.
* Wouldn't know what to do if they shut up.
* Has one hell of an arrest record because of it.
* Is almost always carrying a wax lion in her purse. Is very open about this in Fandom because no one's ever questioned it. No one ever asked, so she goes along and talks about how things talk to her and people go "Oh, and then what happened?"
* Is walking plot device. Should you ever need to be pushed into doing something, Jaye can help.
* May be totally insane. (I refuse to say if she is or isn't because canon never got to.)
* Has the strangest conversation tangents. I claim no responsibility.
* Likes herself some bars.
* Will radio at every opportunity she gets, and expects to be known, dammit.
buffy summers (buffy the vampire slayer)
* Graduated in 2009.
* Is on to her second year of college at UC Sunnydale.
* Season five is almost a go!
* Is 19 years old.
* Is the third Buffy the game's had, and she is MINE. MINE MINE MINE.
* While just about everyone in canon is represented in the game, she is not from their times/realities.
* Remixes words to become new words.
* Kills undead things on a regular basis. Or when things invade. Whatever. Saves the world a lot.
brooke davis (one tree hill)
* Graduated in 2009.
* Her clothing line, Clothes Over Bro's, is beginning to take off. If anyone so chooses, you can totally assume you're finding her line in the stores now.
* You can also assume you've seen her boobs on the Internet. (This is canon.)
* Is kind of a ho. Seriously, I've cultivated her list in the "slept with" column in the sex meme for years.
* Really just wants to be loved. Woe.
* Is often overconfident to mask serious self-esteem issues, which come out way more now that she's with her mother Jo Reynolds. I mean, Victoria.
* Can be a total Mean Girl when she wants to.
* Gets mistaken for Jaina a lot, which she finds unfair since she is the one with that canon face.
natalie (real life omg)
* Is on PST. Yes I live in the past.
* Is on AIM at chickwithemo, and the email is fall.in.two@gmail.com.
* Is around in the mornings from about 4:30-7:45 PST, and then after 5:30. Also, I did finally get the more private desk at work, meaning it's easier for me to ping from there if I am very, very careful, but I'm getting myself phone internets finally, so I'll actually be able to reply to pings during the day, whee!
* It would help if I could OPEN MY PHONE TO PUT THE BATTERY IN. GOD.
* Has not yet broken down into tears doing the work of three (soon to be four) people at my job. GO ME.
* Now plays Jaye, Jane and Jaina. Yes, I try to misping their names all the time. I once ended up with an unholy mashup of all three names and can't remember how.
* *throat clicks at you*