En route from Tatooine- Thursday Fandom time

Jun 03, 2010 06:20

Zekk and Tesar had retired to their respective quarters a while ago, but Jaina had claimed that she wanted to keep an eye out in case their mostly-successful mission on Tatooine led to any disgruntled parties trying to give them one last fight before they made the jump to hyperspace. In reality, she just wanted some time to breathe. She'd gotten very used to having some time to herself, and she'd just spent a week in fairly close quarters with three males of varying species, including one whose sense of humor could make Jacen stare. She needed the break.

Lowie was not cooperating with the needed break time, though. He was still staked out in the copilot's chair, which made him look bigger since the chair was really not made to accommodate Wookiees. "You can probably knock out for the night," Jaina told him. "We're almost at the jump point, I doubt we'll be running into any trouble now."

He growled something to indicate that he was just fine here, thanks. He didn't look just fine. He looked uncomfortable in the chair. And then he told her maybe she should get some sleep and he could play captain for a while.

"Are you kidding? You get to copilot. Solo family tradition," Jaina said with a wry smile. It could have gone over badly; Chewbacca had been Lowie's uncle, and when he'd died, Lowie had assumed the life debt Chewie had owed to the Solo family. For the most part, that meant Jaina. He took it exactly in the joking spirit in which it was intended, though, and chuffed a laugh. "I'm honestly not tired. I'm hoping to bore myself to sleep."

He gave her a Look. It was kind of amazing how easily Wookiee facial expressions could be read sometimes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, trying for light. And the sad thing was, she was being completely truthful. The problem with getting used to only a little sleep a night meant that you got used to it. She wasn't even avoiding sleep, she just couldn't sleep through a whole night right now. It sucked.

He asked if it was boy troubles. Because if it was, he could help with that.

Jaina had to laugh. She didn't talk about things like that with people from home much at all. He was just pulling things out of thin air to get exactly the reaction he got out of her. It occurred to her that for as much trouble as she was having being forthcoming with her issues, she really had a pretty fantastic support system. Knowing people here were willing to be there for her if she ever stopped being stubborn enough to come to them was pretty great. "If it comes to that, I'll be sure to give you a call," she teased. "I know you have to be tired, stop worrying about me."

That was probably not going to happen, but Lowbacca finally did stand from the chair, and before he passed her seat, he reached down to hug her with one furry arm. She laughed again, patting his arm, but didn't say anything, even teasing. And when he headed back to his cabin, she had to admit that she weirdly felt a little better.

[NFB, NFI, I've been wanting to do this scene since the zombie book, not gonna lie.]

wookiee hugs make everything better, canon peeps: lowbacca, home

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