The Rockhound- Tuesday

Jan 13, 2015 10:02

When Luke's group, including Ben, that Sith girl Vestara, a Force sensitive named Dyon Staad, and way more Sith than Jaina was comfortable with headed to Abeloth's planet to try and confront it? her?, Jaina was tasked with staying in orbit in case of any sneak attacks. Luckily that meant she was out in her StealthX when none other than the Sith sphere Ship decided to make an appearance.

While she did it some damage, she took quite a bit herself, and poor Rowdy was not happy with any of that. Before either of them had been able to really take the other out, though, Ship had turned tail and run. Then once Jaina got back to the Rockhound and docked, she found a place to comm Luke and Ben for a status report.

"We're fine. We got her," Ben said, and told them all about the fight where Luke had finally killed Abeloth, who had both turned Dyon crazy and tried to take over his body, and taken the form of Luke's ex-girlfriend who Jaina only vaguely even remembered. The Sith had of course betrayed them, being Sith and all, but Ben and Luke still had custody of Dyon and Vestara, who were both being treated for their injuries. She listened as a medical droid tried to attend to a cut on her forehead (It was fine. She wasn't even concussed.), and she had to admit- very, very grudgingly- that they'd worked together well with the Sith. Even if the Sith screwed them over.

"You guys have any trouble?" Ben asked.

"Not much. I had a little dogfight with a very ugly vessel named Ship."


Jaina smiled. Ben had been the one to first discover Ship years ago, so it made sense that he'd want to know. She told him about the fight, and wrapped up with, "Unfortunately, we had to call it a draw. He stopped firing at me abruptly and just took off. My StealthX was too beat-up to follow. Lando's going to help me repair it."

"It just left? Huh," Ben said. "I wonder…" His voice trailed off, and too late, Jaina realized that he was probably not alone. She was willing to bet Vestara was with him. "Anyway, I've got orders from Dad for you and Lando."

As he said that, the door slid open for Lando to enter. "Good timing," she greeted him. "Luke and Ben beat Abeloth, and Luke's got orders for us."

"Hi, Lando," Ben said. "Dad, me, Taalon, and Vestara and her dad are all going to stay behind and do some investigating. See if we can learn anything more about Abeloth. Part of the agreement is that Dad needs both you and Jaina to head home."

Jaina stared at the comm, like Ben could even see her. "He wants us to go? After we came all the way out here to help him, Luke wants us to go and leave him alone down there with the girl's dad and the High Lord?"

"That's what he said," Ben said.

Jaina looked to Lando for some backup.

Lando shrugged. "Don't look at me. I just came out here to tow debris."

"Jaina, you need to get home. So does Lando," Ben said, very seriously.

Jaina narrowed her eyes, and realized what Ben was telling her. She muted the comm and turned to Lando. Suck it, Sith girl, you didn't get to hear this. "Of course. Luke needs us to get out there with the news about Abeloth and the Lost Tribe. We've got a lot more information on them now, information the Jedi can use. Maybe we even have enough to take it to Daala."

"Maybe," Lando said doubtfully. "I'll settle for letting the Jedi know that Luke's alive and Abeloth isn't."

Jaina unmuted the transmission. "You're right, Ben," she said, still a little reluctant. That wasn't hard to fake for Vestara's sake. "I do need to get home, and so does Lando. Tendra and Chance will be worried about him. I assume the Sith will depart, too?"

"All of them, except for the three staying behind," Ben assured her.

"Okay then. Take care of yourself, and your dad, too, all right?"

"Will do. Bye, Jaina."

"So," Lando said as soon as the transmission was ended. "What are we really going to do?"

"I don't trust those Sith any farther than I can throw them," Jaina stated, unnecessarily.

"You're a Jedi, Jaina, you can throw them pretty far."

"You know what I mean."

"I do, and I agree. But your StealthX isn't good for much at the moment, and this ancient thing was never built for attacking. You might be better served by actually doing what Luke says."

Jaina raised an eyebrow, knowing something else was coming.

"For a change," Lando added, because he was a brat.

"Oh, shut up. Let's get back to Coruscant before I change my mind."

[NFB, NFI, OOC okay. Taken from Allies by Christie Golden, and only doing Jaina's part means you got to miss out on "my dear Callie"!]

catchup: allies, canon peeps: vestara, i have an ouchie, ships: ship, home, canon peeps: ben, canon peeps: lando, ships: rockhound, astromechs: rowdy, fotj, the jaina and lando show

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