When things had settled and the damage was being assessed, Jaina had wandered off to the dining hall to write up her report on the situation. It was Kyp who came to bring her the news once he got out of the meeting.
"Well, we took more damage than we thought, but your warning meant it wasn't nearly as bad as it could be," he said, taking a seat at the table across from her. "And the StealthX launch is scrubbed. No way are we going to be able to get them out of here unseen."
Jaina frowned at him. "They're the stealthiest vehicles in the galaxy."
"In space. In atmosphere, the repulsors and thrusters still make noise…and Master Hamner is certain that the government has directional mikes aimed at every exit. If they hear starfighter engines powering up…"
"They'll power up their mobile turbolasers and blow the StealthXs out of existence by sight, one by one, as they leave the hangar." Jaina sighed and hated everything. "We can't reinforce Uncle Luke. We can't do anything about the Sith or the Maw."
"We can't even get Jedi Saar offplanet," Kyp added. "The sneaky ways we have to get into and out of the Temple without being seen presume that the parties involved are cooperating."
Jaiina frowned harder. "Any word from the government?"
"Demands for our surrender. Master Hamner's on the arrest list, me, you, Thul, pretty much anyone they recognized or recorded during the assault," he said, and Jaina just shrugged that off. It wasn't the first time she'd had a warrant out on her for doing nothing wrong. They'd never once gotten her yet. "And Saar, of course. How are Thul and Tainer?"
"Up and around. In casts," she replied, looking thoughtful. "It was good to see Raynar in action again. He was… almost… normal."
"We'll let him be abnormal. These are abnormal times," he said. "How's the report?"
"Coming along. Slowly." Reports were stupid. Necessary, but stupid. It was the one thing she didn't miss about the military.
"Well, be quicker. We're going to need to go over it."
"Got it," Jaina said, making a shooing motion with her hand as she turned back to her datapad.
[I think I just like anything that gives me Kyp and Jaina. NFB, open for calls or the like, and most of it taken from Backlash by Aaron Allston.]