Oct 16, 2014 13:50
Jaina had found out about Tahiri's arrest on the news. Apparently she'd been arrested for the murder of Gilad Pellaeon two years earlier while she'd been Sith, and just like Luke, Daala was pushing for Jedi to be punished no matter what the circumstances. But unlike Luke, Tahiri was admittedly guilty of this, and she wasn't even a Jedi these days.
Realistically, Jaina doubted she had helped this situation much. The Jedi weren't falling in line, what with their secret teams essentially dedicated to keeping what Daala wanted out of her hands and protecting the sick Jedi- and Jaina was heavily involved in these things- so Daala was making an example of Tahiri. Today was spent trying to make up for that as she could, making sure any evidence of Tahiri's involvement in Darkmeld was gone, appealing to Kenth Hamner who both wouldn't and couldn't help, or ranting to her parents and Jag in case there was anything they could do. So far things weren't looking good, though at least she was going to get a good lawyer.
With all that done, there wasn't much to do right now except check what people were saying in the media about all of this. Which meant that when she'd finally had enough, Jaina was likely to try and find something to punch.
[Open for calls and emails and all that!]
canon peeps: tahiri,
places: jedi temple,
gffa: coruscant,
catchup: abyss