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dreamsofnoah November 29 2010, 14:04:21 UTC
His view of the name etched into the back of the button was obscured by small fingers covering his hand, the black polish on the short fingernails worn and chipped. After they'd arrived in the room Road had taken a place on the floor in the corner, a lollipop that she couldn't even taste held to her lips while she watched him tossing the button in the air, sometimes catching it, sometimes missing.

It reminded her of another time and another place where she and Tyki had been sitting down this way, her eyes blank as she watched him wracked with pain and unable to do anything.

She didn't want to remember that.

It had only been hearing him read his name out loud that had her approaching him now, her palm gently closing his fingers over the button. It was done and over with, what they'd set out to do, but she hadn't expected the toll it would take on him. He wasn't the one who should have been hurt, only her, that other her that dared call herself family after raising her hand against them ( ... )


solo_insanity November 30 2010, 07:12:08 UTC
The plan was good intentioned, wasn't it? To get back for the shed tears they had to spill. He doesn't regret it. Never will. There were somethings in this world too important to leave to chance. Somethings that needed a personal touch of attention and care to make them right.

The action got more of a reaction than the words, and he does tilt his gaze to look at her. His eyes still hold that dark hue as he tightens his fist around the silver object. He stares at her for a few moments unblinking before wrapping his other hand around her waist and tucking her closer to him.


dreamsofnoah November 30 2010, 19:58:44 UTC
Not quite what other people would call good intentioned, but for them it certainly had been. She didn't regret what they'd done either, only that in a way it had backfired on Tyki.

But if there was something the Noah were used to it was taking for granted how strong the others were. He'd be all right, because he had to be. Road wouldn't allow anything else.

She was silently serious when he pulled her in close, tucking her head against his shoulder while still keeping a view of his eyes, running her fingers over his forehead. There wasn't any need to actually say anything, only to stay here with him and wait, no matter how long it took.


solo_insanity December 1 2010, 08:06:30 UTC
He breaks eye contact with her when finger brush across the crosses on his forehead. He tugs lightly at his clenched fist underneath her hand. He needed something mundane and rhythmic to blur his thoughts. To haze them over and dull their edge. But the arm around her waist tightened a fraction as he broke the silence.

Did it work? "Shall we consider this chapter of the story closed?"


dreamsofnoah December 1 2010, 12:17:01 UTC
It better have worked. "Closed and done with."

And with any luck it wouldn't be a chapter they'd ever have to revisit. She let his hand go when she felt him pulling it out of her grasp, her newly freed hand taking hold of the edge of his collar instead. While Road had never been one to depend on others, that didn't mean she wanted him there any less right now. Didn't mean she didn't need him to get back to his normal self sooner rather than later.


solo_insanity December 2 2010, 04:42:13 UTC
Tyki will resume the absent flipping of the silver button. But after a dozen tries, he doesn't miss a catch. But his other arm is still around her waist even as she curls fingers around his collar.

"Will you sing me a song?" Said almost absentmindedly, but he likes hearing her voice. It anchors him and let's his mind drift at the same time. Comforting in a way that only a few things are.


dreamsofnoah December 2 2010, 09:51:28 UTC
The sight of the silver button catching the light as it flipped over in the air would have been enough to distract her at any other time, but now it barely earned a cursory glance. At least he was more focused than before, even if the request was rather strange coming from him - usually she was the one pestering him with requests for lullabies, mostly just to tease him.

But she wasn't going to say no to him just now, her voice chirping up and making a melody of a rhyme from an old tale she'd heard once.

"My mother, she killed me~
My father, he ate me~"

And on she went with the rest of the macabre song, making up lyrics herself when she ran out of the original ones.


/Reads story. Ah, Grimm. So creepy. Why so creepy? solo_insanity December 5 2010, 06:05:49 UTC
He smiles at her. Nothing wicked or cruel or out of place, but just a smile. The words of the song. Her voice. Just her being there. He doesn't interrupt, but tilts his head to rest it on top of hers. He slips his hand from her middle so he can place it on her back. He laughs a little at the later lyrics. How silly humans seem to be at times. But he relaxes and muscles he didn't know he had clenched tight unwound.

He caught the object and didn't bother to throw it back up again.


;; I DON'T KNOW. Road likes it though. dreamsofnoah December 5 2010, 20:44:53 UTC
Tyki was looking and sounding better - good, it was about time. It helped her to settle down properly, seeing him more like himself. As much as she appreciated the darker side of him, it wasn't the only part of him she liked. Tyki wouldn't be Tyki if he couldn't be silly with her and lazy and funny and everything that Tyki was.

Anything else was unacceptable.

She ended the song on a sharp note and giggled, leaning back against his hand. "Did you like it?"


She probably has read most of them, hasn't she? solo_insanity December 5 2010, 22:05:50 UTC
"I did. Apparently you did pick up a thing or two in your tutoring. I bet your Papa would be proud."

He brushes her hair with a hand sending the spikes going in every which direction. She'd fuss over it. Maybe that's why he did it. Or maybe he just enjoyed her wind swept hedgehog look.

"You have my thanks."


She's probably old enough to have *caused* the original happenings the tales are based on. dreamsofnoah December 5 2010, 22:25:40 UTC
The messed up hair got a frown from her as she ran her hands through it in a failed attempt to settle it again, but really she didn't care enough to do more than sigh and let it be.

"You're welcome, Tyki ♪" And then she grinned in mischief and attacked his hair to ruffle it up as well.


Ha. So then it's just a matter of listening to her own exploits. :) solo_insanity December 5 2010, 22:40:43 UTC
He let's her make a mess of it. This is one of the reasons he likes to keep it shorter. The abuse to it is minimal, and he doesn't have to worry about her wanting to braid it. Well, not wanting to braid is as much.

He kisses her on the forehead and pockets the button before settling back into the chair. He slouches down the kind of slouch that means he's going to be here for the long haul or a nap at the least.

"You know. I rather like this chair. Do you think we have space for it in your room?"


Which she obviously loves to do B> dreamsofnoah December 7 2010, 17:50:27 UTC
Tyki was also lucky that Cardio kept his hair relatively long, or Road would be pestering him to grow his out more than she already does.

He wasn't lucky that it was still at tying-ribbons-into length.

"We'll make space." And she curled up on him in the way she always does when settling down for a while. Usually it didn't last long, but she might just make an exception today and stay there as long as he did.


solo_insanity December 8 2010, 03:36:49 UTC
He wraps his arms around her again drawing one hand up and down her back.

"Convenient. Could you add on another foot or so in the back corner? We should get a tree this year."

He really could do without all of this. Silly Bosses and their wars. Sides that had no meaning. Exorcists that fought only because they could. Idiot Noah who just tarnished the name. None of that seemed to important to him now. He just wanted a warm beach and a drink in his hand, Road making sand castles, and his best friend or whatever he denoted to call him standing beside her. He could even do without the thin women or even palm trees stretching over the sand.

Well, maybe he'd want the women the following day.


dreamsofnoah December 9 2010, 13:53:34 UTC
Ooh, this was nice. There was nothing Road enjoyed more than being fussed over and petted, and this was how things should be. Tyki - both her Tykis, alive and (relatively) sane and spoiling her to within an inch of her life.

Even if her Noah would never stop craving destruction and violence - and why should it, after all? - she could settle for this too.

"A tree and a fireplace." She leaned back against his hand, looking him over as if sizing him up. Asking him to come down the chimney to leave her presents might be a bit much, but...


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