Travel notes

Oct 09, 2010 07:01

Sitting on a patio at B&B in northern Italy. They have better wifi connection in this house built a few centuries ago than in a modern hotel in the center of Barcelona, amazing!
I slept in an antique carved wood bed and had home made quince jelly for breakfast. The Italian lady who serves breakfast does not speak a word of English, yet somehow we understand each other very well.
They have horses here and even one orphan deer! Along with a dozen of cats and dogs. The dogs are people lovers, my favorite is the phlegmatic St.Bernard who loves pets and wants to lick you to death in return. The cats are true country hunters. One of them caught a baby rabbit today and had it for breakfast. That poor thing, the circle of life is in motion.
This place is lost in time, so peaceful and serene. Quite the contrast with always awake Barcelona!

Speaking of Barcelona, if you ever decide to go don't listen to people who say the city is small and a few days is enough to cover all major sights. I wish we had more time there, it is lively and vibrant and definitely one of a kind. Gaudi was a genius, I can not begin to describe the beauty he infused Barcelona with through his creations.

Gotta go now, ciao ciao as they say here.

Европа 2010, Путешествия

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