Fandom Nerdery Meme II: The Revenge

Dec 29, 2011 11:26

Your main fandom of the year? 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Doctor Who. Still. Though I got more into Criminal Minds and Sherlock this year as well.

Your favourite film watched this year? 
The King's Speech. I was ready to watch it again the moment it was over, it was that good. Also Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush. Be still my heart.

Your favourite book read this year? 
So many! I'll say it's a tie between Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Le Carre's The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, and Virgil's Aenedi.  Oh and I also liked The Perks of Being a Wallflower by whoever wrote that book.

Your favourite fanfic read this year? 
Oh, God, I can never remember. Um...there's some excellent stuff in my Favorites on Teaspoon. I also found this epic DS9 season 8 thing (unfortunately it's unfinished and so will leave you hanging as to several arcs but it's seriously the greatest thing and I cannot find it again! Dammit.). Oh here's one, Goodbye to Ugly Words and Yesterday by Daystar Searcher. It's about Odo once he's returned to the Link at the end of DS9 and it is tragic. As usual, everything by KCS is worth a look; (s)he's gotten into Sherlock!

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year? 
Well, I got really into P!nk this year... I particularly like "When We're Through," "Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely)," and "Most Girls." I also listened to the Bon Jovi album "Crush" a lot.

Your favourite TV shows of the year? 
DS9, Criminal Minds, Sherlock, The Big Bang Theory, TNG, TOS, Doctor Who, Torchwood and I just started watching Downton Abbey!

Your favourite LJ community of the year?  
ontd_tng is still the shit. It's a little quieter than it once was, but we're still rewatching and dorking around, which is really all I ask for.

Your best new TV discovery of the year? 
Downton Abbey or Torchwood, I suppose. I'd heard of both before, but I've only just gotten around to watching them.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year? 
Probably the way in which Criminal Minds took out Doyle and brought Prentiss back. I'm happy they did, but it just wasn't very epic. I dunno, the rest of season 7 has been great, so no real complaints.

Your TV boyfriend of the year? 
I think it's a tie  between Eleventy and Constable Odo.

Your TV girlfriend of the year? 
Major/Colonel Kira Nerys forever and always. Damn gurrrrl.

flawless etc

Also River Song, Amy Pond, and Jadzia Dax vie for second place.

I love this screen cap.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
When River kissed the Doctor at the end of "Day of the Moon." And, really, that entire half of season 6, plus large parts of the second half. Especially the TARDIS is a woman is the TARDIS episode because perfection.

Also, I finally watched the ninth Doctor, so basically everything he did. "Everybody lives, Rose! Just for once, everybody lives!" <3

The most missed of your old fandoms? 
Star Wars X-wing books. I wish I still remembered all the characters' names. I came up with back stories for everyone and original characters and all this crap I can't remember... I'm working on rereading the books, but I don't have access to books 2-4. I just read book 1 and so of course am dying to read 2 but I don't have enough time left in town to order it through the library :(

The TV you haven't tried yet, but want to? 
Still Babylon 5. Also possibly Farscape, Red Dwarf, BSG, X-Files, maybe even Voyager if I get really bored self-hating adventurous...

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year? 
New Sherlock series :D Also part 1 of the Hobbit, maybe more Doctor Who (please, Santa, I've been good), gossip/trailers for Star Trek XII...

star wars, niner, memememe, nerdery, my criminal minds tag, star trek, doctor who

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