AHAHAHA, I finally learned to back date :D
1) I'm horrible at commenting. I either get lazy and slowly stop responding or just never do it to begin with--it's not because I hate you (if it was I'd tell you. I'm horribly blunt like that. x/) But I do try from time to time to comment on entries and eventually answer any comments I didn't answer previously.
2) Not many of my entries make sense. They're either very random, very cryptic or just very vague.
3) I do not update often. I do check my friendslist from time to time though, so as stated in #1 I'll try to comment Iif I have the chance. xD;
4) I am random, sarcastic as hell and sometimes very scary.
5) TALKING LIKE THIS MEANS I AM SPAZZING. Using capslock to yell on the internet makes no sense to me. :D; If I don't know you so well you won't have to worry about this so much.
6) My insults are almost never really insults. xD This speaks for itself. Once again, if I don't know you so well I won't really be going around calling you "FOOL" or "PANSY", now will I? *cackles*
If you still wish to friend me despite all this I applaud your bravery and ask that you please comment here. I'll comment when I add you back, thank you! ♥