Do we shoot the Groundhog???

Feb 06, 2006 12:00

So, dear old Wiarton Willie say's it's gonna be an early spring......that's just great, but he didn't mention anything about the crappy weather for this weekend & being as he is practically my neighbour I thought he would have at least warned us!

What a disaster weekend....let us recap....

Firstly we have the 3 feet of snow & counting, then there are the various trees broken due to said snow, including several of my beloved silver birch. Then there was the power outage that lasted for about 13 hours and that blew the stupid pump on the well, so we currently have no water and an call in for an emergency plumber (there goes my savings!).

What next, oh yes, the TV satellite dish is not working due to interference from said snow and broken trees & darling hubby was mightily put out at missing the Superbowl, and finally my car has suddenly developed a leak in the brake line, but due to said snow it can't be towed & fixed until tomorrow...

So here I sit, melting snow on the wood stove for water and eating from paper plates...

....Would go and at least cuss at the stupid groundhog, but, being as I'm currently stranded he is safe for now.......Ah, the joy of country living.....
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