Jan 26, 2006 15:15
Well, looks like I'm more than likely getting a beige '87 Grand Marquis. Just like the one I smashed. LOL.
My dad and I test drove it the other day, and other than a small (easy and cheap to fix) problem with the transmission, it's like a brand new car. 46,400 miles, no dents, shiny paint, everything works, drives very smooth, and the car is near silent when it's running. Looks like it's barely been driven. I want to offer the man $1000 for it, because he's asking $2000... but he's had it for sale since summer. He just never had the chance to show it to anyone because he was in New Orleans helping people after the hurricane, and he's busy with his own business. It's been hard to consistantly get ahold of him due to the later reason. But, he's a very nice and honest man, so that's always good.
Right now, we're trying to come to a deal with the guy over the price. =-)
My dad is the one that pointed the car out to me, and he's just as excited as I am about it.
It's EXACTLY like Papa's car... even smells like it too! LOL.
Well, I will talk to you all laters...
Peace and MCL... Heather