An occasional series about things Americans say too often.
1. So random
So cliched. And also most likely misunderstanding what "random" means. For shame!
2. OhMyGod!
Occasionally permissible by reason of irony from non-Christians, but everyone else: no.
3. Dollars to doughnuts
What? What the hell are you talking about?
4. I hate my life / FML
You have enough to eat, somewhere to live, and freedom and basic human rights. You're in the top 2% of the population of the planet which has the least cause to say something like this. So shut the fuck up.
5. Literally
This word does not mean "figuratively". It means the opposite. Right? Good.
6. God bless you!
This is actually insulting for people who don't believe in a god, or Buddhists.
7. For the longest time
You mean "for a long time". The longest time would, by definition, be everything from the start of the universe until just now. That's a pretty comprehensive margin of error.
8. Where you at?
Instead of "Where are you?" How is that a better way to say it? It's not even shorter. I don't mind ending a sentence in a preposition so much, it's just... *sigh*.
That's What She Said