They need you more than you need them.

Apr 10, 2008 00:46

This is from Wikichan. Ask yourself does any of it sound familiar:

Camwhore Syndrome is a slang terminology for Histrionic Personality Disorder slightly mixed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. These issues usually spawn from defined needs in the camwhore, such as the lack of male influence, the lack of authoritative control, or generally just the need for attention. Info you'll find in the DSM-IV:

Camwhore Syndrome is what can be equated to a pop culture psychology theory that basically explains the actions of those who can be called camwhores. The idea is that camwhores in and of themselves possess key weaknesses that drive them towards actions bordering Histrionic Personality Disorder, namely cases of the following:

* Constant seeking of reassurance or approval;
* Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotions;
* Excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval;
* Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior;
* Excessive concern with physical appearance;
* A need to be the center of attention;
* Low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification;
* Rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear shallow to others;
* Opinions are easily influenced by other people, but difficult to back up with details;
* Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are;
* Rash decisions;
* Threaten or attempt suicide to get attention.

Note: Sound like a camwhore? They actually come from Wikipedia's article on Histrionic Personality Disorder.

Simple Explanation

As you can see above, Camwhores fall under almost every single bullet for diagnosing Histrionic Personality Disorder. The reason for this is simple - camwhores are, without fail, needy people. This may have come from some lack in their life (such as the lack of loving parents, inter alia), or from the desire to be noticed. Camwhores by their very definition act in the ways they do in order to garner attention and love, usually trying to fill that desire in a way that seems efficient to them.

Bloody hell. I know people who are like this in real life. Amusingly, the treatment suggestions specifically exclude group therapy, as the last thing they need is an audience. Encyclopedia Dramatica maintains that the best way to out one is to read aloud the list of symptoms and if you get an extremely dramatic reaction, you're onto something. This reminds me of the scene in The Thing where they had to test everyone's blood sample to see who had the monster inside.

Tick, tick, tick.

science, interwebz

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