The most sensible comment on the Scottish elections and the current constitutional situation that I have seen in any English newspaper.
It is time for England's first empire to get independence (Simon Jenkins) He even points out that the Tories have nothing to lose by letting us go, and a lot to gain.
But some of my favourite quotes are these:
"A favourite English political game is to think up reasons why an independent Scotland makes no sense, mostly relying on money. It was money, or at least trade, that browbeat the Scots into the union in 1707, and money would certainly dominate their exit. But Edinburgh is awash with experts on financial autonomy. [...] Where there is a will there is a way, and small nations tend to do better after separation than before."
"Britain lectures the world, and even bombs it, in the cause of regional self-determination. [...] For the Tories, enemies of centralism in Europe and champions of partition abroad, now to oppose autonomy for Scotland is hypocrisy."
Hear, hear! :D
And whores, of course. How could I forget.
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