Quick PSA

Sep 02, 2010 09:59

1) Thanks to everybody who sent me their contact details in response to my last post! To answer some questions I couldn't reply to without unscreening:
bethbethbeth, nope, it hasn't changed!
mnemonic_psych Yes, that's cool. Thank you! :-)
kriszeth, no, I'm afraid I wasn't that person and I don't know who it was... I just lost my personal stash of addresses and wanted to get as many of them back as I could.

2) I'm not going to be doing that f-list meme of mysteriousness, so I'll never find out what the questions are, and what it means if I'm chosen for number 4 or 14. I like to entertain myself by speculating what it might be. 'Person most skilled at bear wrestling' or 'person most likely to be reincarnated as a lovebot' or 'person who reminds me of my deranged uncle Eberhardt' or 'person whose underwear I'd like to steal'... the possibilities are limitless. Thank you all.

3) LJ-specific ETA: I'm still waiting to see how the mess wrt facebook and twitter links and the possible appearance of comments to friends-locked entries appearing on facebook develops. I'll consider my options once I know more about how it's going to be resolved, if at all. But in the meantime, if any of you want a Dreamwidth invite code, here are some:
Just please comment to tell me if you took one, so I can cross that off the list.

this is my life

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