I thought my first post after getting back would be about some of the things we encountered in Denmark (in addition to 'more sun than I have seen in Scotland since 2006'). But as it turns out, A. had different ideas.
We'd barely dumped our suitcases and started up our computers when A. declared he was going shopping. I'm used to that, since he doesn't consider UHT milk to be good enough, so I went 'yes, yes', and got myself online. It strikes me as ironic now that by the time he returned, I was in the middle of an AIM discussion about cat macros with
jo_lasalle and
So he came back, and there was a call from downstairs, and I went there and there was a cat basket. Inside, more or less predictably but given the backstory (which I shall not explore at this juncture) still hugely surprising to me, was a cat. Well. A kitten.
Long story short, it's mine, it's the child of the cats of some colleagues' of A's, and he 'booked' it for me a few months ago and over the last six weeks he's been sneaking off surreptitiously to bond with it while I was busy with grading and whorefic. The entire department apparently knew about this (well, not the whorefic). They're good at keeping secrets.
So... here's the kitten. She's 3 months old today.
One of the first photos I took, yesterday around 5 when it arrived.
Cat getting used to the computer.
This is vital, since I spend a lot of my time here.
I'm pleased to say that she's currently curled up under the monitor (yes, under) and nudged against the speaker and sleeping happily.
My most important task for the next two weeks: trying to decide what to call her.