So last night at 11, in the pouring rain, we arrived in Copenhagen and made it... eventually... to our hotel the mental hospital.
When they said they refurbished it, clearly what they meant was that they sawed off the bars outside the windows and put handles on the insides of the doors (yes,
drmoni, I checked).
The first room they gave us was too small to hold us and our luggage. I am NOT KIDDING. And really, I did put on weight due to too much booze the migraine tablets, but we're still neither of us huge. And we don't travel with lots of luggage... most of it is gadgets.
Thankfully, when I went back to reception to request something more workable, we got it and ended up in a room twice the size of the previous one. This room differs from what you may know from standard student hall of residence accommodation only in the following respects:
1) there is no wardrobe
2) there are no shelves
3) there is no bathroom cabinet or indeed any shelving at all
4) there is no pinwall for posters
5) there is only one electrical socket (but! I brought an extension bar! because I had a ~~feeeeeeeling~~)
6) there is a TV
There are no hooks for anything anywhere, either.
Just as well we both enjoyed being students, and A. has been known to sleep standing upright in a phone booth. I'm not quite that hard, but the wireless keeps me quiet. :-)
Copenhagen is pretty. And pretty expensive. The first conference keynote was delivered in a mumble but involved the concept of shooting sulphur into the stratosphere to counteract global warming. Tomorrow: Helsingør.