So, after two days and a bit of having a teenager staying with us, what do I have to report?
Well, apart from the fact that I hang out in... uh... the part of life that isn't in a computer (
k_julia told me I was BAD when I called it 'meatspace', so I won't) for far more hours in a day than I am used to or like, it's actually not so bad.
Yesterday the weather was atrocious, so we introduced our guest (who shall henceforth be referred to as G) to the shops of Stirling, and then to Stirling Castle... basically locations not too far from home and with ample shelter. It was okay. Much to my relief, when we finally got home, G headed straight for A's computer and was very happy to spend the next two hours doing things I wot not of, since I was at the computer opposite reclaiming my online existence. And then we had dinner, and then we watched eps 1-6 of X together and made snarky remarks about Kanoe and Hinoto, sympathized with Kamui a lot, and rolled our eyes at the various dying and dead parents and aunts. We might watch another 6 later tonight.
Today, A and I fed G a full Scottish breakfast (he wanted to know what it's like) and then I headed into Edinburgh with him, where we did the Castle and the National Museum, and I discovered the secret to not getting bored out of my head by places I've been too often already: audio guides. More specifically, audio guides in languages I am interested in. Edinburgh Castle had a Japanese one, which was great because even though a lot of the vocab was quite beyond me, I know enough of the history that I knew what it was likely to be saying anyway, so in total, I think I learned some stuff. And the National Museum had a Gaelic one, which lent a whole new level of interest to exhibits about Scotland during the Industrial Revolution. (I am SO not interested in the Industrial Revolution.) I need to keep this in mind for future excursions - it really helps and keeps me a lot happier than I would otherwise be. I think if I was desperate enough, I'd even go for French. (My French could probably do with it.)
We also had coffee at the Elephant House (of Harry Potter fame, he wanted to see it) and later burgers and drinks at a place with tables out on the Royal Mile - the weather was much better and it actually got very warm, and we chatted with a Finnish kayaking guy about the Scottish West Coast and Scottish beer. And then we went home.
And then... we both hit the computers. I was maybe 10 minutes faster than G, but here we are! He's on some German version of facebook, I'm chatting and doing LJ and watching Kame in a cute baseball outfit and ... this is really quite satisfactory. I am pretty sure we're going to stay like this until dinner, and return after, and he seems to be very grateful that no further guest-i-ness (guest-ivity?) is required of him today and we can just chill. And maybe watch X.
The only problem? I have no plan for tomorrow. Well. I might take the car north to Callander etc., maybe even Crianlarich. I wouldn't mind a little road trip.
Something else entirely, from the department of 'all those weird cartoons Solo likes':
SMBC's take on Sleeping Beauty.