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Jan 23, 2015 23:28

Почти в два раза увеличивается риск глиомы (опухоль головного мозга) среди долгосрочных пользователей гормональных контрацептивов.
An association between hormonal contraceptives and an increased risk for glioma in younger women has been found in a Danish nationwide case-control study.
That risk increases with the duration of use, David Gaist, MD, from Odense University Hospital and the University of South Denmark, and colleagues report in their study, published today in the print edition of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
"A nearly two-fold increased risk of glioma was observed among long-term users of hormonal contraceptives," they write.
However, "it is important to keep this apparent increase in risk in context," Dr Gaist said in a statement.
"While we found a statistically significant association between hormonal contraceptive use and glioma risk, a risk/benefit evaluation would still favor the use of hormonal contraceptives in eligible users," he explained.
He added that although the findings of this study must be interpreted with care, "we feel it is an important contribution and we hope that our findings will spark further research on the relationship between female hormonal agents and glioma risk."

побочные эффекты, контрацепция

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