Avatar: The Last Airbender, InuYasha, Phil of the Future, X-Men

Jan 27, 2008 14:16

Link: Untitled
Author: suyami_7
Rating: PG
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko/Katara
Summary: Zuko makes the grave mistake of insulting Katara's cooking.
Warnings: none

Comments: This was a short drabble in which Zuko insults Katara's cooking, everyone around them looks on in horror, and Zuko can't stop wondering about Katara calling him pretty boy. And this was all done while while keeping everyone pretty much in character. Zuko was whiny, and acting like the clueless new guy in the gang, and Katara pulled off her getting-angrier-at-you-by-the-minute attitude. For being a very short piece, it said so much and said it magnificently. And the last line just made me giddy for some reason. It was as though Zuko really knew how he felt about Katara, but didn't want to admit it to himself (or rather was trying to avoid it). And that's so Zuko and exactly how I imagine Zuko to act if the Zutara ship ever became canon.

Excerpt: Zuko stared at his tea cup, and quickly heated it back up. The camp was staring at him again, and he looked up, his eyes fierce. "Don't tell me you guys liked it." he scoffed.

"Well, no, but... we don't tell her..." said Aang awkwardly.

Link: I Left My Heart…
Author: nyethebandgeek
Rating: G
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Rin/Sesshoumaru
Summary: Where have I left my heart?
Warnings: none

Comments: I can't properly rec this fic without gushing about how perfect it is in every aspect and being repetitive. It's--it's just so perfect! There really aren't any words for it. It shows Rin all grown up and with this maturity that blows you away. And Sessoumaru just stands there and let's her take the lead- which I can so clearly see because he cares for Rin, and would totally just stand there and let her kiss him for fear of frightening her off. And her voice- it eerily sounds like Rin a few years down the road. The pace of the whole story is also lovely and very well done. It just doesn't seem too rushed, but not as though it takes so painfully slow to develop that it drives you crazy. It's also has enough romance without it being too corny, which I crave and seems almost impossible to pull off with characters like Sesshoumaru.

Excerpt: Maybe I'm afraid I can't repay you. Maybe I'm afraid that if I find my heart, it will be broken in your hands. But you would never do that, right? You couldn't hurt me. You couldn't give me anything broken. You strive for perfection, not only from yourself, but from everyone around you. To leave my heart broken...

Link: Feeling A Moment
Author: plasticeneposes
Rating: PG
Fandom: Phil of the Future
Pairing: Phil/Keely
Summary: It would figure that when Keely stops looking for his face in the crowd, he'd return to her.
Warnings: major spoilers for the series' finale.

Comments: I admit I love Phil of the Future, but really, I only watch it for the Keely/Phil moments (and the fact that Ricky Ullman is cute in that sort of innocent-sweet-boy look). But I never really got into the fandom just because I didn't really want to. Maybe it was me trying to avoid diving head-on into another fandom or the fact that I wasn't really interested in reading fics (because there aren't really any quality fics out there). However, along comes this fic and I couldn't help but read it. It was a truly heartbreaking future!fic because Phil was trying so hard to come back into Keely's life, but she had grown up and moved on without him. And the fact that Phil was breaking the law to come back to her was even more heart-wrenching. What was even more beautiful about this fic were the melancholy descriptions and how much the fic is in character while making both Phil and Keely all grown up and having this tension, this space, between them, seem so noticeable and tangible. And it hurts to read it because it's not all this happy, lovey-dovey stuff, which sort of makes the fic perfect because it makes you think that this is how it should happen even it you don't want it to be like this. Pim's appearance also was great- she was still her sarcastic self but there was a deeper depth shown to her, like she was still an evil, blunt girl, but who still cared for her brother.

Excerpt: He's aged a few years beyond her - strong jaw, broad shoulders, shadow of stubble on his chin. He is, to put it quite simply, gorgeous. Not that she ever had any doubt. But having him sit in front of her now, looking so much like all of her adolescent fantasies combined, is somewhat surreal.

Link: The Object of His Affections
Author: victoria p./musesfool
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: X-Men: The Movie
Pairing: Logan/Marie
Summary: "He'd moved beyond his initial disbelief at the idea into the adrenaline rush of the first blush of infatuation."
Warnings: none

Comments: The thing with stories in which Logan admits his "true" feelings to Marie- it's got to be very, very IC and not very mushy for me to believe it and think it's good. Otherwise, I'd be cringing all the way through and thinking, That's not at all how Logan or Marie would act/think. But, I am at awe with this author's ability to keep everyone in character and not make Logan's "confession of love" so saccharine. It was funny and kind of cute to see Logan act so conflicted and caring about what Marie thought of him. What I'm trying to get at is that it was very them, but with romance added into the mix, which makes it all kinds of nice. ^__~

Excerpt: "I'minlovewithyou," he blurted, rushing the words together.

She turned to face him so quickly he was afraid she'd get whiplash. "What?"

"I'm in love with you." Slightly slower this time.

sesshomaru/rin, phil/keely, zuko/katara, phil of the future, january 2008 recs, inuyasha, avatar: the last airbender, logan/marie, x-men: movieverse

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