Cardcaptor Sakura, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Naruto, Twilight

Jan 28, 2007 11:27

The first recs...

Link: The Accidental Date
Author: still_circee
Rating: G
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing: Eriol/Tomoyo
Summary: Eriol and Tomoyo go on their first date and are subjected to some spying from not-so good spies.
Warning: none

Comments: Oh, how I loved this fic! :D This was a CCS pairing that I never thought of shipping, but now I regret that I haven't gotten into it sooner because Eriol and Tomoyo are such a cute couple. To me, they complete each other perfectly. The situation is very humorous and it's plausible to believe. Also isn't too over the top, and it is very light-hearted.

Excerpt: "She giggled again and touched his hand fleetingly. Another flurry of giggles erupted from the table next to theirs. Eriol shifted slightly in his chair, angling to see the occupants of said table. There was a brief, giddy tussle before several menus snapped up, covering most of the faces. Touya, however, stared at him in undisguised reproach."

Link: The Land of Green and Gold, 1/?
Author: lookatmoiye7
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Summary: The Doctor and Rose make a suprise visit to Australia in 2006.
Warnings: none

Comments: Aww, I loved this Doctor Who fic. It was so CANON. It's uncanny. And I admit this is the first Doctor Who fic that I could read all the way through and not wince. Apparently, I'm a very fickle reader when it comes to this fandom. It was so witty and perfect and so Doctor Who. I also liked the subtlety. You could see that the Doctor liked Rose in a romantic way, but it didn't beat you over the head with it. It was just a perfect match of really showing the two of them together and what such great chemistry they have.

Excerpt: “Over a million planets and timelines to choose from, and Rose Tyler chooses the land Down Under in 2006,” he muttered, closing the TARDIS’ doors...“Now I know why I let you travel with me, Rose Tyler,” ... “It’s not your sparkling wit, it’s your stunning powers of observation.”

Link: Attraction
Author: seraphjewel
Rating: G
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Neville/Luna
Summary: Neville cannot, for the life of him, figure out why he likes the smell of seawater, until he enocunters a certain someone.
Warnings: none

Comments: Individually, I don't care much for either Luna or Neville; I mean I like them as characters, but they don't really hold enough interest for me. But, I've really taken a liking to them as a couple. You know that they're destined to be together because they're so much alike in character. I also like Neville's characterization here; he tends to kind of slip through the cracks in the HP fandom because it's so large and you don't get into his head per se that much to figure out what he's thinking.

Excerpt: "It had the same smell as the school lake, but he couldn't think why he would like that smell."

Link: Uso o tsuku
Author: DoctoressOctopus
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Sakura/Sasuke
Summary: "When Sakura returns to the site of the team's last encounter with Sasuke, the Uchiha makes an unexpected appearance, challenging her already diminishing hope with what he has to say."
Warnings: Chapter 306 spoilers, small violence

Comments: This was so heartbreaking to read because of what Sasuke has become. You want him to act a certain way, and when he doesn't-Sasuke is surprising in this fic- it just tears at you. You want a happy ending for them, but it just doesn't seem to be possible because Sasuke, I think, is just incapable of being someone who loves and cares for another person. I loved this author's narrative; her words seemed to flow smoothly and drew you in because they're simply captivating. And her characterizations were spot on. Sasuke acted cold like always, and Sakura is so hopeful that it just breaks your heart and makes you want to kill Sasuke.

Excerpt: "“You were never in the way,” he said blankly. His red eyes avoided her as she looked at him, puzzled. “You meant something to me once…I doubt it would count, but I don’t feel like taking the chance."

Link: The Lion and the Lamb
Author: Alphie
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Edward/Bella
Summary: "A retelling of Twilight from Edward's point of view."
Warnings: A bit of violence

Comments: I usually stay away from incomplete stories just because I like reading them when they're all finished and I don't have to wait in torture for when they do get finished, but this story is one of the exceptions to my rule. I love Alphie for attempting to write Twilight through Edward's eyes and staying true to the book. She actually writes in the same dialogue that happens between all the characters and she shows the same scenes except we don't hear Bella's voice, but Edward's. It's very canon and follows the book to the T, and that's majorly the reason why I'm wading through all of these chapters because they're very long and detailed. Also, Alphie has such a great way with words and, -even though I've already read the book, and know what's going to happen so there aren't any surprises, I know where the story is going- she still keeps me glued to her story. I suppose that's also another reason why I love this story- she makes it her own and I still come back for the updates to see how she's going to handle each chapter.

Excerpt: "Snow fights, especially wet ones, were always looked forward to, and today was no exception. Emmett and I had been keeping a tally of our battles for years now. The actual score was outrageous, but we usually kept track of who was ahead and just went from there. Snow was a distraction we could easily afford. I loved messing in the cold, wet mush as it was one of the few things on this Earth that actually felt cold in my hands. We all did well in the winter and could tolerate it much better than any human. It was nice to have something else to expect other than the impending and possibly dangerous meeting with Miss Swan."

doctor who, neville/luna, twilight, harry potter, eriol/tomoyo, naruto, january 2007 recs, edward/bella, ten/rose, sasuke/sakura, cardcaptor sakura

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