Doctor Who, Harry Potter

Sep 06, 2007 22:24

Link: Two Months In; Four Months In; Six Months In; Nine Months In; 12 Months In; 15 Months In; 2 Years In
Author: greeneyedgirl42
Rating: PG (for all the drabbles)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose, Baby
Summary: A series of drabbles written in letter format following the years of Sally Rose Tyler, as written by the Doctor to his daughter.
Warnings: none

Comments: I highly, highly recommending reading these drabbles. They are all connected to each other, but I suppose you could just click on any random one and dig right in. But where's the fun in that? I did read these in order and they were fantastic- mostly because I do love baby!fics, but it's kind of an difficult plotline and it needs to be done right for me to read all the way through. Especially since it's hard to get it right, and since I'm even picker with this pairing than in any other pairing I have ever shipped, it's hard for me to find the right kind of baby!fic that makes me swoon, and drool over it. However, this one delivered and was so wonderfully in character and so canon to me, it's uncanny. The Doctor is still the Doctor, and even though Rose is briefly mentioned in each, she sounds IC as well. It so fantastic! It has some seriousness in it, but it's mostly just silliness- the kind that I love to see in this pairing. Mostly, I just love it because it could so be canon (if you totally ignored the last episode of season two and totally denied season three's existence, then yes). It's completely conceivable, and carries the Doctor's voice perfectly... this shows them as being a happy family, but Rose and the Doctor are still them, traveling to alien worlds and getting into dangerous situations, just now with one more member in tow. ^^ It's cute, wonderful, fantastic, all the wonderful adjectives. I think 'Two Years In' is the last fic in this series. I do wish there was more; it really is beyond words. That is how fantastic it is. I also recommend looking at the author's tags to read her other DW fics (they're mostly Rose/Doctor-centric though).

Excerpt: It's the most fascinating thing, watching you grow, and become more aware and curiouser by the day. Hour, really. Minute, even. I put things in front of you and you look mystified. Against my better judgment, I put the sonic screwdriver in front of you, and you reached out and grabbed on, and by Rassilon you did not want to let go. But honestly, as much fun as sticking random objects in your mouth is (and I should know), it's not exactly a good idea to gum your ol' Da's favorite tool.

Link: Incurable
Author: rosa_acicularis
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Summary: After the events of Love and Monsters, Rose has a question. The Doctor may or may not have an answer.
Warnings: Spoilers through Love and Monsters of S2

Comments: This fic does border a bit on the smutty side, but not so much that it's inappropriate for me to read- which I like (the author strays away from depicting the sex scene by using sleep as a ploy). Besides this being a Ten/Rose fic, it's thoroughly and cleverly written. Plus, their chemistry rocks. They're just so them. They are snappy with each other, but also comfortable and happy. Nothing makes me love a fic more than its wonderful characterizations. I also loved the poem at the beginning, but I like anything poetryesque really. It's also fascinating to me how the fic could go from being so serious and then flip into silliness. What's even more amazing is that I liked it. I think that was what contributed greatly to the Doctor's and Rose's perfect characterization: they could go over a certain line with their friendship, but they knew what lines to not cross over. I guess I liked that I got the feeling they were in tune with each other while reading this, even if they themselves were confused at their own emotions.

Excerpt: Something in his face changed, a new resolve creeping into his expression. He raised himself up on one elbow, his thin, familiar face rising above her own. "In my very long life, I've learned this." His hand rested on the bed next to hers, their fingers just barely touching. She didn't breathe. "Love isn't kind. It isn't fated or sacred or pure. The sort of love you mean - the helpless, desperate sort, the falling, when you have sex not so much for the sex but because you feel like one person broke apart and maybe, just maybe, if you try hard enough you can be whole again - it's as terrible as it is wonderful. It's hormones and instinct and insanity, a frantic, electric pulse in your brain."

Link: And I'll Show You the Stars
Author: miladyhawke
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Summary: A little look into a post Doomsday Doctor and Rose, inclusive of his geekish ways and even a dash of romance..
Warnings: tiny sexual references

Comments: I absolutely love the picture this creates for me, especially in the beginning. It seems kind of familiar and just right- which is how I view this pairing romantically even if some fans of the show do not view the Doctor/Rose relationship as anything but purely platonic, but that's all right; to each their own, as they say. :D It is so silly, but not in that eye-rolling-oh-dear-god-that-would-never-happen-in-a- million-years, canonically implausible way. (At least not to me, others might view it as a bit over the top sure, but the Doctor and Rose can be silly sometimes, so it's all right with me.) I think the thing that I loved the most about this is just the very comfortable, loving atmosphere that she portrays Rose and the Doctor having. As I have said before, considering the subject matter that she had written about (their post-Doomsday reunion), it is very plausible for me and in character, which is always a bonus. Overall, it's just a very fun, not over-the-top, what-happens-after-they-reunite fic.

Excerpt: Now, of course, hearing him talk in his sleep was something she was very accustomed to. Although usually, whenever she woke up with him, he was almost always just as awake as she was, lying beside her with large brown eyes, blinking silently and just waiting for her to be wake again. More often than not he would greet her with a gentle good morning and a kiss on the lips, before getting up and getting on with another day.

Link: Rows
Author: biggrstaffbunch
Rating: PG
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Summary: What starts off as nothing more than an offhand (if decidedly thick-headed and callous) comment turns into a monumental argument and then... into something much more...H/G!
Warnings: none

Comments: I have to admit that the only thing that drew me to this story was the beginning. Because Ginny was calling Harry callous and I was intrigued. Really, just because if I were to describe Harry Potter in canon, the one adjective I'd not be using would be callous. But, as I read further, it just made me squee more and more. I loved that Ginny acted so defiantly at the beginning… I don't know why but that just made her more real to me. Just how the author handled the whole argument pleased me on levels I can't explain. It was so fresh to see and done truly well, although this was the first fic that I read where Ginny and Harry were at each other's throats (although I haven't read a lot of Ginny/Harry fics because I always seem to get wrapped up in the James/Lily pairing whenever there's HP fic floating around). The one thing that did kind of bother me a bit (but only a tiny, trivial bit) is that the author misspelled Michael's name. It is a hard name to spell because of the a and the e, but it wouldn't stop glaring at me! (There were also some other grammatical mistakes which hindered my reading, but not by too much.) It is a bit angsty though and both Ginny and Harry spill their guts out, which made me squee even more because in all the six books that I've read so far (yes, only six), they didn't talk so openly like this- which I like and can't seem to quench my thirst for it enough. The ending made me feel fuzzy: it was perfect and cheesy, but original cheesy.

Excerpt: Ginny ducked her head. The emotion in his eyes looked genuine. He looked properly abashed, but also desperate to explain. "I just- I want so badly to just be your friend, Harry," Ginny said softly. "And this year, with Ron and Hermione off doing their duties, and you and I doing our Quidditch strategies...I felt we were. I felt I finally was a part of that world Ron built for me when I was a child, only ten, at home as he had adventures at Hogwarts. I felt like I was finally a friend of yours. Like I was...special enough. Not just Ginny, that girl who hangs around Harry Potter." She looked away. "And then I realize I've never really been your friend the way others have."

ginny/harry, doctor who, september 2007 recs, harry potter, ten/rose

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