Ancient of Days [ACTIVE]

May 29, 2009 22:51

Characters: Archturous, Zeke.
Content: Archturous breaks free from her arboreal prison.
Setting: Inside a tree, initially, then wandering about.
Warnings: Um, sheer 1337 awesomeness?

The time inside the tree had done her body quite a bit of good, actually. For while her mind had been allowed to finally rest for a night, and the demons temporarily restrained from her immediate attention, her body was able to absorb much needed nutrients from the strange tree she was in. While it would not do much to stop the years of abuse her body had suffered under the Curse, it would keep her from dying before the week was out. Already, although invisible in the inky darkness of the tree's hollow, her eyes no longer had raccoon patches under them, her hair seemed shinier, and her skin had lost some of its blue-ish transparency, although her spidery lattice of veins and arteries still displayed themselves prominently across her body.

And while it was all well and good to be healing in the tree, such a reprieve was only temporary and fleeting, like a ray of sunshine between storm fronts. While her subconscious mind enjoyed a dreamless sleep, the Lamassu was restlessly pawing at the ground, hooves clinking against the weak mental barriers that attempted to keep him ostracized from her mind. He snorted and stretch his wings, and then with a fluid motion he brought both the wings streaking down, creating a magical wind that utterly ravaged Archturous' meager defenses. Her mind was laid bare, and he entered like the Demi-god he had once been... and what a Demi-god he would be again.

As soon as he routed himself back into her conscious mind, her eyes snapped open, sightless in the complete dark. The Lamassu did not need light, for he saw things differently, illuminated by the strands of time that weave together to make the great tapestry of fate. With a carefully practiced precision, he severed one single strand and the tree surrounding him began to wither and fade. A hole began to open in the side of the trunk, as the time of the tree moved backwards, away from the anomaly. He smiled and Archturous' face donned an ugly sneer.

Once the hole was wide enough, a thin leg slid out and then another. Two feet planted firmly on the ground before the rest of Archturous' body seemed to 'limbo' out through the growing hole. Now, the Lamassu did not want a repeat of the fountain, that had been... most unfortunate. Instead, he needed to find somewhere where there were no psychics or mentalists, somewhere he could control Archturous but without anyone finding out. He smiled again as he added bars to the mental cage that surrounded her persona, her very being. Then, her body began walking away from the where he believed the fountain to be, looking for all the world like Archturous was in control of her body, just a normal girl looking for somewhere to rest her head.

ezekiel rothchild, on the road, complete, archturous anathema

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