To Sleep... Perchance to NOT Dream [CLOSED]

Jan 08, 2009 19:40

Characters: Archturous
Content: Archturous slumbers inside Tree Network, while her mind wanders.
Setting: Tree Network.
Warnings: None...

She wouldn't have admitted the deep, bone tiredness that she had to anyone other than the Fae. The others were human, they were dangerous. Really, if she had of taken the time to think it through, she shouldn't be trusting the Fae either. Fae were better than humans, but they could be tricksters, they could be Unseelie, they could kidnap people away. Had she of been conscious, she would have laughed at that thought, someone stealing HER away. It certainly wouldn't work very well.

Her body was spent, overworked, and undernourished. How long had the Voices been stealing nutrients from her body to keep themselves alive, she wondered absently. She had noticed it early on, as the tiredness set in. Then she had started loosing weight and she was prone to nose bleeds and subconjunctival hemorrhages. It had only gotten worse after that. She had started blacking out, sometimes loosing whole days where she would remember nothing of what had transpired, but waking up a hundred light years away. After that the bruises had started, breaking out under her skin. Finally, the pain had set in; intense pain that stayed with her throughout the day, plaguing her stomach, intestines, and liver. She knew why it was happening, the weight loss and sickly sweet stench to her breath confirmed it. She was starving to death, the Voices were taking everything her body had to offer.

The past months had been horrible, a never ending nightmare that hounded her while she was awake, and the relentless torture from the Voices as she tried to sleep. She knew she was crazy, knew that there were times when her sanity snapped, but she didn't know when it actually happened, only vaguely felt herself awake as if from a dream when she came to. The endless space flights had stolen something from her, years. She knew that on this world it didn't matter, but she had seen roughly a millennium pass already, as she made ever increasing jumps across the Multiverse. The Voices had spurred her on, continually searching for their original home world. However, when she thought about her time loss, it didn't matter all that much to her. It's not like she had left anyone behind. They had all died at her hands long before, falling under the power of the curse, dying because a young girl had no idea how to stop her powers.

Archturous' mind refused to rest, even inside the tree, and she dimly knew that this was part of the reason she never got REM sleep. She tensed slightly, waiting for the assault that on her weakened mind from the Voices, but nothing came. No sound disturbed the silence of the tree she was in, besides the gentle creaking and groaning. Her mind felt out, carefully, to the confines of her... prison? Sanctuary? Safe house? She wasn't sure what to think of it. Her mind stepped out of her body, as she had taught herself how to do after years of living in pain and horror. It wasn't like the psychics she had encountered on Trenaldi 5, who could project to others and visit dreams. Nor was it like the monks of NM3904eS, who removed themselves from their bodies to gain knowledge. No, she merely... disconnected from her body. It was like pulling the monitor plug out of her old computer, the computer still ran but the monitor had no input, nothing to display.

She sat in her sensory deprivation and simply did nothing for the longest time. She didn't know how long she was there, thinking of nothing, but this was the rest she had been hoping for, she realized. No Voices, no fragmented memories, no haunting fractured images of faces she couldn't place and bodies she knew she'd killed. There was just... nothing. However, she couldn't help but feel that her personal Nirvana would be interrupted, some way or another. That just seemed to be how her life went, she found something wonderful, and it was ruined sooner, rather than later.

on the road, complete, archturous anathema

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