Character(s): Micas, Leirian, Tyr, Simera.
Content: Micas goes to get back to work, Leirian arrives at the library.
Setting: Library and courtyard
Warnings: none
Micas awoke with a small shiver, curling around herself. It was cold. She was laying alone instead of curled up with Ana or Simera. Memory presented itself, and she opened her eyes, half sitting, then looking down at her healed arm. "Back at the library. I must have lost consciousness, and they-" she blushed at the realization, shame at being a burden, joy at being cared for. "They carried me home."
But the room was empty now. She hoped Nei'ess, at least, was getting some sleep. He had looked frazzled and tired. She didn't think it was time again yet for Tyr to sleep. Granted, who knew how long she had been asleep herself? But he had likely returned to hunting, salvaging, or standing watch over the others. The thought made her smile, as did the realization that she had work of her own to get back to.
Her brow furrowed, remembering why her work had been interrupted, and her arm broken, in the first place. She fished her journal out to see if there was any reply to her message. There was not, but there was another message from Ana herself, and as she listened to the replies, she exhaled her relief that Ana had been found, and was safe.
Pushing herself up, she slipped noiselessly, like a shadow, through the quiet library, past Penny's still curled form, and out the door into the courtyard. There were new hides to be scraped and soaked, and the ones Rory and Simera had stitched together for her, to be stretched over the frame for smoking.
But first, a quick bit to eat, something to drink, and then a quick rinse to get the rest of her own blood off before she started touching the clean hides.