Where were the television cameras when they could have been having a field day?

Sep 22, 2013 20:37

Time: a beautiful warm sunny afternoon on the first day of autumn

Place: a quiet cul-de-sac a hundred yards or so from our homes

Two (allegedly) respectable women in their late 60s are out playing with their new toy. It calls itself a "Speeder" but this isn't helpful. G called it a "Landlaufer" at first, because the movement involved is like that type of ski-ing (though I think it's more like skating); I suggested "Roadlaufer" because we don't go off road, and G said, "Let's go for English and call it a 'Roadrunner'." She is now going to buy some horns to make the appropriate "beep-beep" ("meep-meep?") sound.

What it is, is a sort of scooter, but V shaped, and steerable. You start off by scooting, then put one foot on one side and sway your body from side to side to keep it going. FUN!! We were playing with hers because I haven't had a chance to collect mine, which was my birthday present, so we took turns.

This is something I have wanted, without knowing it, for decades. Safer than skateboarding, less iffy than rollerblades.

(And the local shopping centre hasn't got round to banning them!)

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