Pick up the nearest book to you. Turn to page 45. The first sentence describes your sex life in 2012."The Southwick palace, although on a smaller scale, mirrored the architectural form of Fishbourne as, apparently, did the building complex of Pullborough
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I would be delighted to see anything you've done. I've got a work-in-progress alternate history of Europe and especially England, where I'm changing features and events at whim, then trying to figure out what I have to change to make those features and events remotely plausible, and what in turn would change as a result of those events and features, while at the same time trying to keep the outcome from being totally unrecognizable (which realistically is what would happen if that much magic and random changes were introduced into history).
Plus, I'm in general trying to fill in some gaps in my knowledge of history where I feel like I should have knowledge, and the three biggies are the Roman Empire, Late Antiquity, and the Ancient Near East.
For these reasons, anything I can learn from your knowledge of history and archaeology would be a boon.
I'll come back to you later on the Ancient Near East as my knowledge is patchy but in some respects fairly deep.
It's very sensible of you to use easily recognizable names on both; I just wanted a fresh start on blogging and didn't want to be automatically found by everyone who read my LJ, which I realize is responsible for a certain amount of frustration.
I took it from my Late Antiquity reading, crossed with "Blackadder". I don't know if you're acquainted with it but one character often says "I have a cunning plan", which is usually totally impractical when it's not just plain stupid.
I then noticed Vegetius' recurrent use of "Sollertia est", and that a very good rendering of it would be "It is a cunning plan". I toyed with using "sollertia" but at the time I wasn't letting on online that I was female so I went for the non-committal third declension noun, which works out as "the person with the cunning plan".
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