Jun 27, 2008 16:21
Europe is boring, the best part is never feeling like an alcoholic for drinking everyday. I love Paris the most, and never spend enough time there. I may just go back again this year, depending on my mood. The Germans and Swiss are smart and super friendly. I got to experience what it is like to be a soccer maniac and cheering for Germany. Hopefully they win this Sunday's finals against Spain (seems unlikely but I can certainly dream about it happening.)
In Germany I got to hit up the Mercedes Benz factory, F1 Race tracks, the black forest, some old castles, my old stomping grounds, and frankfurt, didnt get a chance to go to BMW, or Callaway. In Switzerland I basically hit up the Rhine River Falls. Its amazing to see the locals there speak 4 different types of languages on a daily basis, just mind blowing. I basically strolled along most of France though the northern country side, and eventually made my way into Paris which is the highlight of this sleepy little country. Taking the chunnel from Paris to London got nixed due to time constraints, so I am spending the remainder of my time here in Germany. Ride it out like a die hard soccer fan, and schmooze with the hot drunken bavarian blonde girls.
But for the most part another trip away from home is in order. My options are a cruise, japan, or some other random country that has appeal to it. This time the trip's purpose is to reconnect with my ex and just sort things out. Hopefully, this will allow me to move forward with my life, for the most part it has been on pause since the end of High School, which is a long time if you think about it.
As for the new car, I will make my purchase decision come August. By then I will know which law school I will go to (if any.) The BMW 3 Series coupe is so far the winner in my book. I have a shit load of Euros to unload, so it looks like I will blow it on another expensive Mont Blanc pen to avoid loosing a shit load of money on conversions fees.