Oct 01, 2007 13:51
Now what?
I know, but dont know.
After a period of so much chaos and an area to sink my efforts into I have nothing to do. Well I have some options on the table of what I could be doing. Some people in my life think this gives them an excuse to pressure me to make decisions about committing more to them. All I have to say to you girls is go fuck yourself. I will do what I please, when I please and how I please. Sure a relationship of any sort is a mutual partnership where both parties must be working together in some aspect, but I dont think pressuring me 'innocently' is going to benefit you in any manner what so ever, it will in all actuality do the opposite and harm you. Thats all I have to say on this matter and quite frankly I dont give a damn if I offend you. A million fish in the sea, I will fry bigger fish, not smaller ones.
Your rebuttal of me ignoring smaller things is unwarranted. Details are crucial, but dont bother orienting things that are not malleable, its a waste of time, energy and resources.