"I'd like to introduce you to one of the more unknown tribes in the online community. We rarely talk about them because they're not as annoying as the griefers or as rampant as the "I have to take a bong hit now" people on Xbox Live, but they're out there. I'm ashamed to say I'm one of them. We're users. We don't hook up our headsets, we mute your voice, and we just play the damn game. We're not here to make friends, and if you extend an invite, it will just get rejected. We rarely leave feedback. For us online gaming isn't social; most people on Xbox Live aren't worth being social with. You may be on the other end of the line chattering away about the game, but we're not listening.
See, for the users, online play is just a way to supplant a game's AI. I don't want to hear how good/bad I did after a race. The only reason I'm playing you at all is because it's more fun to play against a human brain than the computer. I've been yelled at, told to hook up my headset, or belittled during a game of Poker before I started to just mute everyone as a matter of course. People want to buddy up when they play online, but I just want a more human-acting opponent. Please don't talk to me, just provide me with competition. I know I'm using you, but I'm getting increasingly comfortable with it.
Sure, I talk when I'm playing with friends or people I already know, but honestly online opponents are an infinitely renewable resource. If you're annoyed by my behavior, just don't play. I'll find someone else. I'm not proud of using people this way, but it makes games more fun to play. Humans make human mistakes, and even mediocre players use more realistic tactics than the computer.
This behavior is moving outside of the world of Xbox Live and onto the PlayStation 3. When I play
Calling All Cars online, I don't even plug in my headset. I just like playing against other cars that act like humans are driving them. I know it's selfish, but I don't plan on stopping."
- Via
ArsTechnica I have to say this purely defines my gaming style and I thought it was odd, however it is good to know there are others like me out there. FUCK ALL OF YOU 12 Year olds, greifers, and stoners who spew useless bullshit from your filthy cholesterol stuffed throats. Social online gaming aspects with degenerates is overrated, id rather talk to a chimpanzee with down syndrome. Oh and its not that I am proud of using them, i just detest using them, and dont want to be seen using them. For the record, all those losers I come across receive negative feed back :) I am just doing my part in trying to eliminate the scum, every little bit helps! However, it is nice to play with real life friends and use voice chat for tactical purposes. That is my catch-22 with online gaming. I hope my form of gaming is more widely embraced or specifically clustered together for game matches.