This was going to be a different post

Mar 24, 2010 19:41

Oh, KAT-TUN ♥ There's just never a dull moment with you guys (even if I did spend half of last year going 'WHERE'S MY SINGLE RELEASE? D<') The good thing about this fandom is that after hiatus drama, hateful fan drama, pairing drama and general stupid drama, we've come out the other end not any wiser but at least more impervious to this stuff. I am quite frankly more concerned about shriveling up from embarrassment when Jin comes to LA and is all, 'What up bitches? Go club get drunk?' than KAT-TUN's future as a group of six. What will be will be.

I like: the idea that Jin's the one who wanted to do this. If there's one thing to like about KAT-TUN it's how they're ~opinionated~ about their careers. If hearts are going to be broken, at least it's because the boys are chasing their dreams (Also, Asia tour! Yay!). I also don't mind 5-nin KAT-TUN. Quite possibly I'm biased because I got into KAT-TUN right during Jin's hiatus but I liked 5-nin almost as much as 6-nin. The dynamic's different and, aside from the huge there's-no-Jin elephant in the room, different =/= bad. Plus then we might get another press conference and, you know, things like this :D

The sudden spat of show cancellations should concern people more because is Johnny dying? WTF is going on? Does this mean there will be no more glittery flying boys on rollerskates?

We should never forget how lucky we are to be in a fandom where we do not need to stick huge heads on dancing people because the boys do it for us.

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