Argh. I'm alive! - Proof in list form

Dec 19, 2008 17:13

  • Uploaded 50 userpics. This means I will be forced to renew my paid account when it expires in a month to keep them D: Life. Am now bewildered by the sheer amount of userpics I can use to post with. The choices. It's all so overwhelming.
  • Updated my profile as well! Not much in the way of actual content change, but it no longer looks like the gangly, acne-ridden awkward child in the middle of LJ's new profile page. Plus, pretty picture *__*
  • The je_ficgames team points have finally been updated. AU's horribly behind but they're doing a good job of keeping up considering they had no fic for the past two prompts. Now I need to get cracking on fic as well. Winter break's when I promised myself and others that I'll finally tackle that Nanowri challenge. Winbrewri, here I come! (But first, fic games. Alskjdlkfj Certain people deserve a medal for it. You'll know once writers are revealed)
  • I stole a magazine today. Or took a magazine. That wasn't addressed to me. It was sitting in the 'these people no longer live here' box and looked so forlorn. Sadly, it's just The Economist and not something exciting like Discover.
  • Have been barreling through episodes of 30 Rock while waiting for Kame's drama and somebody to put NTV Best Artist 2008 on jpopsuki (is it just me or is there some new hip place to download from that I don't know about). I love 30 Rock. I want to take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant ♥
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