Sep 17, 2005 09:10
Took Percocet number 6 of 6 last night before bed...woke up this morning in pain. Right side is good, but the left is still very tender. It's to be expected I guess since they took a piece of jaw bone out with the tooth. Now I'm on Ibeuprofin and Aliev...and they seem to be helping somewhat. Wonder how much longer this is going to take to heal.
Life here is is good. Because I was on narcotics for a week I'm not allowd to carry around my gear...though why that is I'm unsure. I can understand the weapon thing though. No skin off my back. Generally I'm the first person to break a profile...but I think I'm going to ride this one out.
Back at homestation in Michigan I gave my buddy a case of "laptop envy" causing him to go out and buy a new laptop with a 17 in HD widescreen monitor. Turn-about is fair play I suppose...he gave me a case of "console envy" and I ended up ordering a new PSP yesterday. I then decided I don't need two consoles since most of my gaming time is spent on my computer playing either Morrowind of I'm packing up my GBA SP and all of the games I have and sending them to a friend in the States. My intent...donate them to the Katrina relief efforts.
...and now the speil...
I urge you all to the the same with your old consoles that are sitting around collecting dust. I'm sure there are several children sitting down New Orleans especially...that would be happy to recieve even a used gaming system so they have something to pass the time. Participate if you want...or not.