Hearing from God

Jan 17, 2015 23:31

This was what I have been feeling and actually blogged about in my other blog recently.
"Mentally, I am slightly worried. Since everything in graduate school is own time own target and you basically propel yourself forward, there is the stress from within. I seem to have so much to do but I am accomplishing nothing. Everyone seems to know what is going on aside from me and I am just perpetually lost. While I have talked to some other year 1s about it and they agree that’s how they feel, it does not stop me from feeling this way :S This is definitely not going to be the first time I would feel this way so I would have to learn to deal with it one way or other."

However, I think I might have got an answer today in church.
We were singing the song "How Great is our God" during worship and I had this thought. One of my new year resolution this year (my previous entry) was to see God in my project, for Him to give me the research direction and wisdom to know what to do. Christianity and sciences are often said to not co-exist but I disagree with that. If God has placed me in the sciences, I would like to see Him being present.

But now, barely one month since the start of the year, I have forgotten what I told God. I am feeling small and insignificant in graduate school and feeling all-so terrible about it for days because I am depending on myself. The Great I AM can only work through me if I am small. Therefore, feeling small is not a bad thing after all :D

work, god

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