Why I never want to get married ...

Mar 16, 2007 17:44

  • I can't imagine living with someone for any extended period of time.  I like my independence.  I like being alone a lot.  I need a certain amount of space, and I'm not willing to give that up for anyone.  This has always been a part of my character, and I can't see that ever changing.
  • I absolutely refuse to be someone's "wifey".  I will not cook and clean for any man.  I will not attempt to be super woman by juggling a career, house work, and raising children. 

  • Marriage doesn't mean much in our society.  Divorce rates are skyrocketing.  So many people are unhappy in their marriages.  What a way to spend your life.   
  • I don't need a man to "complete" me.  Nor to I need a man to support me. 
  • I don't want a relationship with a man who needs proof that I love him (in this case, the proof is a piece of paper).

  • I don't want to give someone the impression that they own me. 
  • I want to focus on myself ... on my personal growth ... on my career.  I don't want to worry about when I'm going to get married and have children.  It's not important to me and, quite frankly, never has been.
  • There is no such thing as "happily ever after".  I suppose if I were with a man for a long time, I would consider marrying him if either of us were close to death.  That would certainly make "until death do us part" a lot easier!

  • People change.  The person you married may not be the person you end up with 20 years from now.  Does this sound too pessimistic?  Well I'm sorry, but life is short ... I refuse to spend it stuck with someone who pisses me off, just because we're married. 

  • The fact of the matter is, I don't trust anyone enough to promise them a lifelong relationship.  This lack of trust in people is a result of certain experiences in childhood.  I can tell you right now that nothing will ever change that.  It's sad, but it's the truth.  I will always have doubts in the back of my mind. 
  • Marriage requires too many sacrifices in order for it to work.  I'm not willing to make those types of sacrifices.  I look at the relationship of my parents and it makes me sick.     

Note that I have absolutely no problem with other people getting married.  My general philosophy in life is, live your own life and let me live mine. 
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