Oh, this is too good. [If anyone is paying attention, they'll notice that the User I.D. is actually Phoenix's, but the person speaking definitely isn't him.]
It's interesting how the all information stored in this device can teach you so much about someone! [Do you hear that sound? It's Maia giggling. She is having an absolute ball.]
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[That is Ashelin's Grade 'A' sarcasm right there.]
Either way, I wouldn't worry too much. He'll be getting his communicator back as soon as I'm done with it. [Considering she's had a week to go through it, it won't be much longer.]
Phoenix knows where I am - if he needs it back so badly, he'll come find me. [Well, Phoenix will know where she is if he remembers her room number from when she brought him inside when they were drunk - Pfft. Details. Whatever.
Until then, Maia plans on either going through the rest of his comm until she decides it's time to give it back, or she'll just continue gloating. Either option works, really.
...That, and Maia can't really make herself useful until she gets her hands on Anna or Jak. Aww. :( ]
Yes. I'm sure he will.
[And for some reason, Ashelin wants to make a threat. But she hasn't exactly seen anyone else go for the throat on the Havenite-but-not-Havenite woman yet. As a result, Ashelin bites back the venomous remarks and chooses to go about her day without further interruptions.]
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