Jul 08, 2004 14:29
What a weekend/week.
Missed the Skinny Puppy shows. When I first heard the announcement of SP coming to SoCal, I mixed up the months in my head and thought, "eh, I'll be in Hawaii at that time" and never bothered to get tickets. I could have gone and picked up a general admission ticket at the door, or probably paid a few more bucks to a scalper, but the timing/mood was off.
Friday- got to Das Bunker sometime shortly after midnight. I don't think I've ever danced as hard, for as long as I did friday night. I'm normally exhausted by the end of the night, barely able to do more than shuffle my feet to the noize. This time I seemed to hit my second wind around 2:30am, and it was spinny, punchy, kicky, thrashy madness on the dancefloor with no more than 2 or 3 other people. That downstairs room becomes nicely uncluttered by the end of the night.
It's AWESOME to be on my way towards fitness again. I've only been going to the gym for a month, and to kickboxing for 2 weeks, and already I notice a massive difference in how much I can dance. By the end of the night last friday my entire body was sore. That's never happened before, I've never been able to push myself that hard. Or maybe I need to stretch more before and after I work out. :)
Can't remember if we went to the gym on Saturday or Sunday. The Anjel wasn't feeling very well, so she was only 1.8x the man I was, instead of the normal 2x.
Sunday was the Axoque, featuring mohawked Axo. I brought a gigantic tub of chopped up peaches, nectarines, watermelon, strawberries and grapes, only to find that everybody else brought fruit, too. Curse Axo and his vegetarian ways, and curse the rest of us and our accomodating ways! :)
Lots of club people. It was kinda like being at the clubs, only the music was much quieter, there were green growing things EVERYwhere, the sun was shining brightly, there were birds sweetly singing and insects busily buzzing, and there was a big table of fruit and chips and soda and other tasty food for the grabbing. Brian, those banana-burrito thingies you brought were THE YUMMEH!
Met another Axo-C/Kat (apparently he has several), an AZN brotha Ben (another addition to Team Baldy!), the AxoMom, and re-met the Syko (sister in substance-free arms! salute!). I also got a free copy of the game Joint Operations, which basically paid for all the fruit I bought. RoXX0r!
Anyhow, the Axoque featured good food, good company, good times.
Went and watched fireworks at some highschool later that night. Cool stuff. The timing was a bit funky, but hey, better than I could do.
Went and saw Spiderman 2 on monday with Anjel, the pintobean, and the Jessedog. I had never seen the first Spiderman movie until the previous night, so I got to watch both movies for the first time about 20 hours apart. I thought it was quite good. Much better than the first one, though there were some rather slow bits.
Thinking about the movie made me realize I'd be a bad superhero, especially if I had a "real life" like Spiderman. I'd start targetting rich criminals for the purpose of stealing their money. I wouldn't take it all, just enough to pay the bills, though I'm sure my bills would somehow become much, much higher. Another thing I realized while talking about superheroes with a friend- Superman is a big retard. Why does he always stop and talk to the badguys before attempting to apprehend them? What the hell is he doing, trying to sharpen his wit? Does he get off on causing fear in petty criminals before taking them down? They're criminals, you fool, just take them out before they cause any (more) damage or injury. He should join a debate team or hit up Open Mic night at the local comedy club if he wants to get clever, not waste time while fighting crime.
Been very busy working all week. Going to Perversion tonight after kickboxing, which is always tiring.