Introduction post

Aug 07, 2008 03:36

EDIT: For those who have asked, the card deck I use is the 'Druid Animal Oracle' deck. You can find it on Amazon here - and a review can be found here -

I've been lurking for a few weeks, and thought I'd finally make a post.

I don't go by my birth name anymore, you can call me Matt though. I'm from North Wales, UK and have been considering myself Pagan since I was about 16/17 (I am now 22). I started off by reading all the many resources on Wicca, books, online, and visiting the 'psychic fairs' we have here. From Wicca, my interests branched out to the paranormal (always a great childhood facination of mine), to Native American Shamanism (fueled by a few visits to the American West) and then Shinto, the native religion of Japan. I still consider myself Pagan, and Wicca, though my practises are much more varied, and not 'to the book', if you understand.

My altar consists of some Japanese Kitsune/Inari statues, my athame, candles, an incense holder, a bowl of salt, a bowl of water, my animal spirit reading cards, and whatever greenery, ribbons, or whatever represent that certain time of year/sabbat/spell.

I still work with magick circles occassionally, usually on Sabbats, or for spells, and I have found they usually work well for me. I am one to have 'power dreams', deep meditations and unexpected happenings when I least expect them. I'm very happy, and proud to be part of such a 'hidden' world sometimes (to my colleagues, and family, though my sister has now started giving tarot readings and formed a 'psychic society' in university). I am eternally grateful for nature, and all the oppotunities we have in life.

I have a love for animals of all types, though I am a 'therianthrope' of a Wolf, and my 'daemon/spirit guide/whatever you'd call him' is also a wolf, named Turpin. He appeared to me when I was 17, and remains my mediator in card readings and other such things. No, I don't think it's unusual to have an animal guide instead of a human, I work better with animals, always have and probably always will. Animal spirit cards/oracle cards work so much better with me than Tarot. I could write pages on what a single animal has to say, while in Tarot, my intuitive side is taken over by what I remember reading in books, and being taught in class.

Wow, this is getting long. Anyways, my few main points, I suppose...

For those of you, like me, who find your life so busy you end up delving in and out of Wicca, how do you 'get back in'? For me, it's usually an inspiration from Nature of some sort, or a Sabbat.

Secondly, are any of you from the North Wales area? Though I work solitary, it would be real nice to make some 'witchy' friends around the area.

And finally, I'm thinking of opening up for animal card readings. Is anyone here interested? They are kind of like tarot only I read for the directions/elements, and the outcome is pretty random, as I never know what they'll say. I can get reccomendations. I work well over MSN messenger, or email, it's like automatic typing for me. If you live in my area, I'll happily read for you, though I have no means of transport besides trains and buses. Comment if interested, and I may consider it depending on comments/amount.

Nice to meet you all, and sorry this is so long! ^^;

EDIT: Oh, also, I keep a 'Spiritual blog' over at internalrealms if anyone is interested :3

animals, wolves, shinto, introduction, wicca, shamanism

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