Hello :D After a long consideration, I've recently started following Wiccanism/Paganism. I do mean recently, and I've come across a bit of a dilemma about what book to consult. Being a solitary practitioner and not knowing of anyone who could help, I'm hoping maybe I could get some advice here.
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Scott Cunningham: Wicca
Scott Cunningham: Living Wicca
DJ Conway: Wicca: The Complete Craft (that's actually a pretty good book, it gets into visualization, meditation, astral projection, pathworking, etc)
Dorothy Morrison: The Craft (and i've heard The Craft Companion is good to have once you finish reading that book)
Raven Grimassi: The Witchs Craft (which, honestly i don't like but i suppose it could be informative to some)
continue to look for books that talk about meditation and connecting with the Gods. read through some of them, because while people can suggest which books to read you may find that some don't do it for you - just like Wicca by Scott Cunningham.
also, there are a lot of experienced people here that can answer many of your questions. many things that are considered "deeper" into the Craft, i learned about just from being in this community and others, and from searching around the internet.
blessed be.
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